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Land Transfer Bill

Introduced on February 11, 2016. The bill implements the Government’s response to the recommendations from the Law Commission’s report A New Land Transfer Act, which was aimed at modernising, simplifying, and consolidating the land transfer legislation to increase clarity and accessibility. It overhauls laws decades old to take into account new technology. First reading completed on March 15 with the support of all parties, though Labour used the debate to attack the Govt over dairy farm land valuations. Referred to the Government Administration Committee for consideration. Reported back on Sept 15 with a wide range of mainly technical amendments. MPs considered widening the range of people authorised to perform conveyance work, they were sympathetic to the idea, however said it was outside the scope of the bill. Second reading completed on October 12 with all parties in agreement. Committee stage completed on June 21 with all parties in agreement. Attempts by opposition MPs to insert a foreign ownership land register were defeated. Third reading completed on July 4 with all parties in agreement.  Land Transfer Bill