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Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Amendment Bill

A bill in the name of NZ First MP Mahesh Bindra drawn from the ballot on August 11. It would require a public register recording the name and nationality of all overseas persons owning land in New Zealand. The register would identify the whereabouts of the land, as well its amount and value. A person who fails to comply  is liable  to a fine not exceeding 25% of the value of the land involved. The Attorney-General issued an opinion the Bill was in breach of the BORA. The AG said while there was a legitimate interest in gauging the level of foreign ownership of land, the Bill would not achieve that. Those named in the public register would also lose privacy rights and could be subject to discrimination and hostility. Voted down at first reading by National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future on December 7. Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Amendment Bill