The Hugo Group

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Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Bill

Introduced on Sept 19. The Bill establishes a regulatory regime to govern space launches, including both launch vehicles and payloads (eg, satellites), from New Zealand and by New Zealand nationals operating overseas. It also provides a legal framework for high-altitude activities that originate from New Zealand. First reading completed on October 18 with all parties in support though a few questions were asked around treaty obligations on the protection of intellectual property. All parties were enthused about the idea of a NZ based satellite launch industry. Sent to the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee for consideration Reported back on April 21 with a number amendments mostly of a technical nature agreed to unanimously. Amongst these were tightening of ministerial regulation powers and more clarification about the ban on recording launch debris. Second reading debate interrupted on June 1 and completed on June 20 with all parties in support. Committee stage completed on June 22. Completed third reading on July 4 with all parties maintaining support. Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Bill