The Hugo Group

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Point England Development Enabling Bill

Introduced on December 7, the purpose of the Bill is to enable housing development on 11.69 hectares of land on the Point England Recreation Reserve in Tāmaki in east Auckland. Completed its first reading on December 13 with no opposition and sent to the Local Government and Environment Committee with a shortened report back of April 28. Labour announced it would oppose the Bill, which is part of a treaty settlement, due to the loss of public park space. Reported back on April 13 with Labour filing a minority report opposing the Bill. Completed second reading on May 23. Labour and NZ First opposed and the Greens abstained. Committee stage completed on June 21 with no change in parties positions. Third reading completed on June 27 with Labour and NZ First continuing to oppose and the Greens continuing to abstain. Point England Development Enabling Bill