The Hugo Group

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Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Member’s Bill in the name of Julie Anne Genter drawn from the ballot on June 8. The Bill amends the Misuse of Drugs Act to make a specific exemption for any person with a qualifying medical condition to cultivate, possess or use the cannabis plant and/or cannabis products for therapeutic purposes, provided they have the support of a registered medical practitioner. The exemption for cultivation and possession would also apply to an immediate relative or any other person nominated by the person with such a diagnosis, for the sole purpose of administering or supplying cannabis or its related products to the person. Transferred to Chlöe Swarbrick.  Defeated by 47 to 73 at its first reading on Jan 31. Opponents said it would be de facto decriminalisation. Some National MPs had indicated they would vote for the bill, but in the end all its MPs opposed. All NZ First MPs voted against the bill as did some in Labour. Most Labour MPs, ACT’s David Seymour and all Green MPs backed it. Some of those who were sympathetic to the bill voted against it as they were convinced the Government’s much narrower bill was a better vehicle to debate the issues.. Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis and Other Matters) Amendment Bill