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Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill

Introduced on August 3, 2017. The Bill creates a new regulatory regime for financial advice. It makes amendments to ensure the conduct and client-care obligations of financial service providers and the regulation of financial markets remain fit for purpose. It also addresses misuse of the financial service providers register by offshore entities. First reading on Dec 7 completed with all parties in agreement and the Bill was sent to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. Commerce Minister Kris Faafoi indicated the Govt had heard concerns about the impact of the Bill on smaller operators and urged them to submit on the Bill. The Govt began consultation for a new code of conduct for financial advice. The code will make changes under the regulation of financial advice contained in the Bill. Report back extended to July 31. Reported back on July 31 with a wide range of changes across the Bill. Second reading completed on Sept 12 with all parties in agreement. The Government introduced a Supplementary Order Paper allowing restrictions to be imposed to limit instances of individual financial advisers working for multiple financial advice firms. It allows licence conditions or regulations to specify circumstances in which an individual financial adviser cannot give advice on behalf of multiple providers. The Government also released details of new disclosure requirements which will be set in regulations under the Bill for consultation. Committee stage completed on March 13 and third reading on April 4 with all parties in favour. Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill