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Land Transport Management (Regional Fuel Tax) Amendment Bill

Introduced on March 22. The bill proposes a mechanism under which regional fuel taxes can be established to provide a way for regions to fund transport infrastructure programmes. First reading completed on March 28 with National and ACT opposed.It was referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with the shortened report back date of May 21. Ministers said a regional tax will be in place in Auckland by July, but no other councils would be allowed to implement a similar tax before 2021.Reported back on May 21 with a number of minor amendments mainly around monitoring and the need for more adequate regulations over refunds for non-road fuel use. Second reading on  June 12 with the Government indicating it would look at non-road fuel use issues. National and ACT remained opposed. Committee stage completed on June 20 with the Government using Urgency in the face of filibustering. Amendments inserted around monitoring. The Govt indicated officials would be working on a new non-road fuel use rebating system. Passed third reading on June 26.   Land Transport Management (Regional Fuel Tax) Amendment Bill