The Hugo Group

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Companies (Clarification of Dividend Rules in Companies) Amendment Bill

Introduced on April 5. A member’s Bill in the name of  Todd Muller. It amends the Companies Act to give clarification of dividend rules outlined in sections 36 and 53, where there is currently doubt about the ability of a company constitution to provide for “dry shares”. All parties supported the bill at its first reading on August 8 and it was referred to select committee. Reported back from the Primary Production Committee on April 12  with technical amendments. Second reading completed on June 26 with Labour and NZ First withdrawing their support saying it was not needed. However the Greens still backed the Bill so it progressed. Committee stage completed on Oct 23 with Labour and NZ First now agreeing to support. Third reading completed on Nov 13 with all parties in support. Companies (Clarification of Dividend Rules in Companies) Amendment Bill