The Hugo Group

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Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Oct 31. The Bill amends the commencement date for the new levy regime for Fire and Emergency NZ to July 2020. The bill achieves this by setting a backstop for transition to the new levy regime at July 1, 2021. This is because the levies to be imposed would be large and unmanageable for many businesses and other institutions. It also would possibly not fund the costs of the new organisation as more information was needed about FENZ’s costs before setting the levy rate to fund it. First reading completed on Nov 7 with all parties in agreement and referred to the Governance and Administration Committee, to be reported by April 1, 2019. Reported back on Mar 28 with only minor changes including a four month lead in period from when levy rates are set, to the date they come into force.Second reading on April 4 with all parties in favour. Committee stage completed on April 30 and third reading on May 2 with all parties in agreement.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill