The Hugo Group

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Health (Protection) Amendment Bill

Introduced on July 31. Gives effect to the govt’s decision in Oct 2013 to improve the range of measures available to protect the public from the harm associated with infectious diseases. This takes in some aspects of the stalled Public Health Bill. It also bans the commercial provision of ultra-violet sun tan treatment to those under 18. Received its first reading on Nov 6 with general support and sent to the Health Committee for consideration. Reported back to Parliament on May 1 with amendments though the 18 year old age limit for sun tanning treatment remains. Labour, NZ First and the Greens dissented saying all cosmetic ultra-violet sun tan treatment should be banned. Completed its second reading on May 27 with general support though opposition parties were still pushing for a ban on sun tan treatment. The committee stage was completed on May 11 with Labour amendments to ban sun beds defeated. Third reading interrupted on June 9 and completed on June 30 with NZ First abstaining. Health (Protection) Amendment Bill