The Hugo Group

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Judicature Modernisation Bill

1,238-page rewrite implementing the Government’s response to the Law Commission’s review of the Judicature Act 1908 and other court system changes. Also includes processes to deal with vexatious litigants. Introduced Nov 27 2013. First reading completed Dec 5 2013 with unanimous support and sent to Justice and Electoral Committee. Submissions closed Feb 21. Select committee reported back on June 13 2014 with numerous technical amendments. Labour supports the bill, but is concerned about some aspects including the inclusion of an age of retirement for judges. Completed its second reading on Feb 18 on a voice vote. Opposition parties indicated they would submit amendments at committee stage around the judiciary retirement age and matters around managing conflicts of interest. Committee stage interrupted on August 24 and completed on Sept 14 with a number of Opposition amendments defeated and Govt amendments inserted. Third reading completed on October 11 divided into 23 bills with just NZ First opposed.  Judicature Modernisation Bill