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Parental Leave and Employment Protection (Six Months Paid Leave) Amendment Bill

Member’s bill by Sue Moroney (Labour). Doubles paid parental leave to six months. Parties seeking compromise so government will not veto it on fiscal grounds. Has the support of United Future and Maori Party, delayed in the Government Administration Committee while National looks at its own policy. First reading July 25 2012. Reported back on Feb 28 with the committee divided on political lines and unable to agree on whether the bill should proceed. Set down for second reading on Members’ Day. The Government has been using delaying tactics on Members’ Day to avoid debate. After the Budget delivered National’s alternative watered down policy, the bill received its second reading despite much confusion over who was voting for what. National remain the only party in Parliament now opposed to this Finance Minister Bill English picked to use financial veto if necessary, though time is running out for the bill to progress in this Parliament. Completed its second reading with just National opposed, but run out of time in its committee stage on June 25 following delaying tactics from National. MPs returned to the committee stage, but delaying tactics from National meant it did not progress to the next stage. Committee stage debated again on Nov 5 with the new composition of Parliament resulting in National and ACT voting down clauses by 61 to 60. Completed its committee stage with National and ACT combining to gut the bill, it will be killed off when Parliament resumes in 2015. Defeated On Jan 25 with a 60 to 60 vote with National and ACT opposed. Govt indicated it would introduce further PPL legislation this year to extend eligibility and allow for some contact with workplace during leave.  Parental Leave and Employment Protection (Six Months Paid Leave) Amendment Bill