The Hugo Group

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Te Ture Whenua Maori (Succession, Dispute Resolution, and Related Matters) Amendment Bill

Omnibus Bill introduced on Sept 19 making many technical changes to Māori land law and Māori Land Court including a new dispute resolution mechanism for matters under the jurisdiction of the Court. First reading on Oct 15 with all parties in agreement and sent to the Māori Affairs Committee. Reported back on May 1 with a large number of changes including around the role and powers of the Māori Land Court. Second reading on June 24 with National supporting but seeking changes in the committee sage in a number of areas including around the treatment of landlocked property. Committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on July 22. National did not get the changes it wanted but all parties still supported the Bill.  Te Ture Whenua Maori (Succession, Dispute Resolution, and Related Matters) Amendment Bill