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Arms Legislation Bill

Introduced on Sept 18, the Bill is the second tranche of gun law and includes a firearm register and tighter licensing regime. First reading on Sept 24 with National opposed. Bill referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee to be reported back by Feb 10. Committee delivered an interim report on Dec indicating its thinking on a number of issues including around the Police’s powers to inspect and the registration of gun parts. Bill reported back on Feb 10 with a large number of amendments. National and ACT put in minority reports opposing the Bill saying it went too far in restricting the rights, and imposing costs, on lawful gun owners. Bill currently on hold as NZ First seeks changes. Committee stage on June 16 with changes made including expanding exceptions for pest control. The govt also indicated it would be introducing further legislation to set up a stand alone agency to manage gun licencing and the arms registry. Third reading on June 16 with National and ACT opposed. Arms Legislation Bill