The Hugo Group

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Urban Development Bill

Introduced on Dec 6. The Bill sets out the functions, powers, rights, and duties of the Crown entity Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities. This includes a streamlined process for consenting complex urban developments including over-riding the RMA, build and change infrastructure and reconfigure reserves. The new agency also gets compulsory land acquisition powers. First reading Dec 10 with all parties in support and sent to the Environment Committee. Reported back on June 10 with a large number of changes in the face of many concerns from environmental groups, councils and the private sector. National reversed its support saying while it supported the concept, the Bill was poorly designed and would create a number of problems including tipping the balance in favour of govt led development over the private sector. Second reading on June 24 with National and ACT opposed. Committee stage and thirding reading completed under Urgency on July 22, Labour, NZ First and Greens in support. Urban Development Bill