The Hugo Group

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Taumata Arowai—the Water Services Regulator Bill

Introduced on Dec 11. The Bill creates a new regulatory body for drinking water regulatory system. Part of a broader package of reforms to the three waters regulatory system. It will be followed by a separate Bill setting up the regulatory regime for drinking water and source water, and the regulation of wastewater and stormwater networks. A governance board will be required to consider and provide for Māori interests through Te Mana o te Wai, though this is not defined in the Bill. First reading on Dec 17 with the support of all parties and sent to the Health Committee. National expressed concern about a number of aspects including the lack of detail around the regulations and potential costs. Reported back on June 17 with minor changes. Second reading on June 24 with all parties in support with committee stage completed on June 30. Third reading completed on July 22 with all parties in support. Taumata Arowai—the Water Services Regulator Bill