The Hugo Group

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Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Bill

Introduced on June 24 2020. The bill clarifies the definition of serious wrongdoing, enables people to report serious wrongdoing directly to an appropriate authority at any time, strengthens protections for disclosers, clarifies the internal procedure requirements for public sector organisations and the potential forms of adverse conduct disclosers may face. It also explicitly includes public money spent by private sector organisations. First reading on June 30 and sent to the Education and Workforce Committee with the support of all parties. Second reading on Nov 9 with the govt indicating there would be further changes in the committee stage on a number of matters including the definition of serious wrongdoing. Supported by all parties. Committee stage completed on March 8. Third reading complete on May 10 with all parties in favour.

Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Bill