The Hugo Group

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Water Services Bill

Introduced on July 28, 2020. The Bill reforms the drinking water regulatory system, with targeted reforms to the regulation of wastewater and stormwater networks. It outlines the powers and regulatory system the new water regulator will work under. First reading on Dec 9 with govt indicated careful consideration of a number of issues including transition issues, particularly for smaller authorities, as well as protection of water sources and chlorination. Supported by all parties and referred to the Health Committee. Report back extended from June 8 to August 11. Bill reported back on Aug 10 with a large number of mainly administrative nature. National and ACT filed a minority report expressing concern about the impact on small water suppliers and leaving decisions about exclusions to regulation and the new regulator. Second reading completed Sept 21 with National opposed. The Māori Party also said it opposed the bill and wider three water reforms due to the failure of the govt to address Māori interests in water. Committee stage completed on Sept 23.

Water Services Bill