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Lawyers and Conveyancers (Employed Lawyers Providing Free Legal Services) Amendment Bill

Introduced on July 28, a member’s bill in the name of Chris Bishop. The bill amends the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act to allow a lawyer who is an employee to do free legal work other than for the lawyer’s employer on conditions set by the Law Society. First reading on March 24 and sent to the justice committee with the support of all parties. Report back extended from Sept 24 to Nov 16. Reported back on Dec 14 with the committee recommending by majority it does not proceed. The majority agreed there was a problem, but did not believe the methods set out in this bill are the right way to fix them. The Law Society was opposed to the bill passing in its current form. National MPs argued the bill should proceed with amendments. Voted down at second reading with Labour and Act opposed. Lawyers and Conveyancers (Employed Lawyers Providing Free Legal Services) Amendment Bill