The Hugo Group

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Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill

Introduced on Aug 10 2017. The bill makes a number of administrative changes to the principal law about access to identity certificates and the administration of the. First on Dec 5 supported by all parties and referred to the Governance and Administration Committee. Reported back on Aug 10 2018 including controversial changes to the bill making it easier to people to change their gender on official documents. NZ First objected to the change saying it was made without proper consultation as a result the bill stalled. Second reading on Aug 11 2021 with all parties in agreement to send the bill back to the select committee for public submissions on the changes made in 2018. Returned from select committee with minor changes and committee stage completed on Dec 7 and third reading Dec 9 with all parties in support.

Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill