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Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Sept 8. The bill intends to  reduce carbon dioxide emissions from imported light vehicles. It applies an emissions standard to imports of new and used light vehicles, a “feebate” system with subsidies for cleaner vehicles paid for through penalties on those with higher emissions and new vehicle labelling requirements. The policy has has had widely publicised changes from those in the bill including a later starting date (aside from clean car subsidies) to April 2022 and more stringent regulation around emissions standards of imports. First reading on Sept 21 with National and ACT opposed. Reported back on Dec 22 with a large number of changes above those already signaled. These include amendments making part of the new regime regulatory and not statutory to allow changes to be made in the future without the need for law change. It also makes a number of changes to the regime allowing car importers to trade in CO2 credits. National and Act both filed dissenting reports arguing the changes would add costs while doing little to reduce emissions.  They also argued the clean car standards were impractical. They also argued the clean car standards were impractical. Second reading completed on Feb 10 with National and Act opposed. They also argued the clean car standards were impractical. Second reading completed on Feb 10 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage completed Feb 16. Third reading Feb 17 with National and Act opposed. Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill