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COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill

Introduced on Sept 28. The bill mostly relates to changes for statutory deadlines disrupted by the pandemic. Among them is the dates by which the government must finalise its Emissions Reduction Plan. It also extends the sunset clause of RMA fast track legislation to 2023 First reading on Sept 29 under Urgency. Opposed by ACT though National opposed the bill being reported back from select committee by Oct 14. Both parties also raised concerns about provisions allowing the govt to delay local body elections for a short time if there are pandemic lockdown conditions. There are also concerns about law changes relating to commercial rental reduction rules in lockdowns. Reported back on Oct 14 with no major changes despite strong opposition from many on changes to lease contract law. Second reading Oct 19 with National, ACT and Te Paati Māori opposed. Committee stage Oct 27 and third reading Oct 28 with no change in parties positions. COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill