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New Zealand Business Number Bill

This bill introduced on March 31 enables certain entities (including corporate and public entities or unincorporated entities) to get  a New Zealand Business Number and to be registered to a New Zealand Business Number register. The bill received its first reading on May 5 with the Govt saying it hoped the business number would reduce red tape costs by giving businesses one way of interacting with the Govt. Opposition MPs said the bill has good intent, but feared it would just add to red tape. The bill was referred to the Commerce Committee for consideration. Reported back with minor amendments on September 29 with even Government MPs wondering if it will be effective and Labour MPs arguing it would increase compliance costs for no foreseeable benefit with vague plans for implementation. Second reading interrupted on December 3 and again interrupted on February 16, before being completed on a voice vote on March 9. Committee stage completed on March 30 with general agreement. An opposition amendment saying departments must use the NZBN was defeated.  Third reading completed on April 12 with just NZ First opposed. During the third reading debate the Govt said it would be getting departments and agencies to use the Business Number through a set of whole-of-Government directions to be released in the coming months. The bill passed with just NZ First opposed. New Zealand Business Number Bill