The Hugo Group

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Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Oct 19, the Bill amends the RMA with the intent to accelerate housing supply to set more permissive land use regulations by bringing forward and amending the National Policy Statement on Urban Development. The Bill introduces medium density residential standards allowing at least 3 dwellings of up to 3 storeys per site across more urban areas. The Bill received its first reading on Oct 26 with just ACT opposed. It was sent to the Environment Committee and reported back on Dec 2 with a wide range of mainly technical amendments around the rules on the design and construction of the residences allowed under the housing intensification rules. Also gives more clarification about what areas could be classified as exempt from the rules. Second reading on Nov 7 with just Act opposed. Committee stage completed on Nov 9. Third reading on Dec 14 with Act opposed. Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill