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Electoral Amendment Bill

Introduced on July 20. The bill changes to the donations and loans framework including; lowering the public disclosure threshold for donations and contributions to political parties from $15,000 to $5,000;  amending the reporting requirements for donations received from the same donor in excess of $30,000 (either in one lump sum or in total over the preceding year) by reducing the threshold to $20,000, but requiring disclosure within 10 working days only in a general election year; requiring parties to report donations under $1,500 that are not made anonymously and requiring the annual return of party donations to separately state the total amount of monetary and in-kind donations received. The bill also temporarily amends the overseas eligibility period from one year to six years for citizens and four years for permanent resident due to covid. First reading on Aug 2 with National and Act opposed sent to the justice committee to be reported back by Dec 5. Reported back on Dec 1 with minor amendments including one proposed by the justice minister to widen the definition of donations in light of the case involving NZ First and its foundation. Second reading Dec 6, committee stage Dec 7 and third reading on Dec 13 with National and Act opposed.

Electoral Amendment Bill