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Tariff (Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and the Republic of Korea) Amendment Bill

This Bill amends law as part of the implementation and ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and the Republic of Korea agreed in Seoul, Korea, on 23 March 2015. Given its first reading on June 16. The bill was sent to Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee by 95 to 26 with Greens and NZ First opposed. It was given a report back date of November 3 in order to ratify the treaty as quickly as possible.  Reported back on July 30 without amendment or dissent. MPs urged by business groups to pass before the end of the year to allow ratification and tariff impacts to take place in 2016. Second reading completed on September 17. Labour supported the bill despite misgivings over the restrictions on future governments to impose different foreign investment rules. NZ First and Greens still opposed. Committee stage completed on September 22. The third reading was completed by 95 to 25 on September 24.Tariff (Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and the Republic of Korea) Amendment Bill