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Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Amendment Bill

Introduced on August 11, 2015. The bill extends protection for confidential information given in  an application registering an innovative trade name product from five to eight years, and also expands the scope of data protection coverage to include confidential information provided in support of applications to register non-innovative trade name products and uses. First reading interrupted on September 15 with parties indicating support but debate over the length of protections. Completed the first reading on October 13 with just the Greens opposed describing it as a TPP type bill which give too much patent protection. The Primary Production Committee is considering the bill. Deadline for report back from select committee extended from April 14 to June 17. Reported back on June 15. The Greens opposed the bill in the report back saying amongst other things it promotes the use of pesticides. Completed its second reading on Sept 20 with the Greens and Maori Party opposed and committee stage completed on October 10.  Third reading completed on November 2 with the Maori Party and Greens opposed. Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Amendment Bill