The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • HVxtra - HYEFU special December 16 2020 / Much sunnier outlook / ‘Banking the bonus’ / House price inflation / Border opening timing

  • December 16

  • 345k
  • Breaking: RBNZ asks for DTIs, but says won’t help much / Early 2021 focused on vaccine rollout and MIQ expansion / NZ wobbles on tightrope in Australia vs China tweet storm / Govt eyes 3-5 new regional water bodies by 2022 / Will the tax windfall be banked? Or spent? / Merry Christmas

  • December 11

  • 255k
  • Intervention staged, and rebuffed / ‘How about you change taxes …’ / ‘… while we tighten the lending rules’ / Nanaia Mahuta’s tougher stance on China / Goodfellow re-elected National President - for now / The ‘Harvey Norman’ effect gets the tills ringing

  • November 27

  • 318k
  • Ardern’s first big challenge: a surprise housing boom / Auckland stays at level one, but masks are back / Inside Labour’s big, diverse and young Cabinet / The winners and losers, and who and what to watch for / An RMA maestro and a surprise return to relevance / Adrian Orr stuck between rocks and hard places galore / The firms doing surprisingly well during Covid-19

  • November 13

  • 248k
  • HVxtra Cabinet appointments special / Key points to note from the new Ardern Ministry

  • November 02

  • 196k
  • HVxtra - election special / Not just a strong mandate - a political generational shift too

  • October 18

  • 175k
  • Ardern set for second term / Collins’s campaign dissolves / Full coalition or just supply and confidence deal? / Extraordinary early turnout may help Labour / RMA, Transport and employment law reform in focus / Will Ardern choose Shaw as Deputy PM? / Or will the Greens be kept at arm’s length?

  • October 16

  • 249k
  • Labour gliding on to second term / Winston tumbling into oblivion / Duopolies face official scrutiny / Labour’s Tiwai Point pivot / Farmers and lobbyists brace for second Labour term / When the daigou don’t go

  • October 02

  • 197k
  • Is the election a fait accompli now? / Farewell V-shaped recovery / Nats go for the hip pocket / Labour’s campaign / Climate change disclosure regime / Will covid restrictions lift next week?

  • September 18

  • 276k
  • No rush to level 1 / The potential for a large ‘wasted’ vote / The Greens - a Shaw backlash risks unelectability / Tracing tech: the CovidCard rejection / Air NZ’s top exec exodus / Orr to banks: don’t ask for your brolly back when it rains / Key election debate dates

  • September 04

  • 219k