The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • Working hard at looking busy / KiwiBuild reset - is the public more forgiving than the media? / Freshwater announcements deepen political divide / Market study for building supplies? / Robertson holds the fiscal line / IT weakness at major govt agencies / Fonterra’s trials deepen

  • September 06

  • 339k
  • Urban development policy advances / Suddenly, the economy matters for Labour / 'Street-fighter' Bridges off the leash / Nats’ big choices as election year looms / Freshwater decisions due Sept 5 / Negative interest rates? Don’t discount it / Regional airline and TV headaches

  • August 23

  • 361k
  • Two-edged sword in RBNZ’s ‘get out and spend’ message? / Nats’ overt adoption of Brexit/Johnson/ScoMo tactics / Electoral accommodations looking more attractive / Urban planning and elite soils NPSs next week / Ihumatao - no obvious way out / Hipkins’s training reform gamble / KiwiSaver default review

  • August 09

  • 323k
  • Grasping the nettle on RMA reform / The political dangers in the Ihumatao protest / Nats need a reason to act on Bridges / Green hydrogen and power prices / A neutral public service clips research wings / Skittish reactions to resilience thinking / CEO Retreat - filling up

  • July 26

  • 774k
  • Things Get Real on Climate Change from Today

  • July 16

  • 138k
  • Big week ahead for climate change policy / Beehive on egg-shells over China / PM and ScoMo to meet next week / EVs policy a sweetener for the Greens / Three waters policy to Cabinet next month / EU dragging the chain on FTA negotiations / R&D tax credits regime extended

  • July 12

  • 251k
  • A deft accounting for Phil Twyford’s failings / ANZ’s own goals help an embattled central bank / Some clarity emerges on Fair Pay Agreements / Deposit insurance - bowing to the inevitable, but … / Thumbs-up from OECD and IMF / 3 waters regulator on the horizon

  • June 28

  • 360k
  • The Budget leak – why it does matter / Housing policy reset about more than just KiwiBuild / Late June mini-reshuffle / Defence capex to test Budget Responsibility Rules? / Teachers strikes are off – how did Hipkins do it? / Jones promises to behave / CEO Retreat, 15-17 August

  • June 14

  • 253k
  • A mid-term Budget that feels like an election year effort / The curse of over-promising / A rough week for economic agency CEOs / Bridges safe; but has the Budget leak helped or hindered? / Deficits on the horizon? / Teacher strikes: a headache becoming a migraine

  • May 31

  • 262k
  • Lessons from the Aussie election / Lessons from the Aussie election / Huawei and the emergence of a 21st century cold war / Vital appeal for Sage’s mining decision / ‘Blue hydrogen’ plan foundering? / Climate change policy progress / Normal transmission resuming

  • May 20

  • 259k