The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • PM’s pre-Xmas China trip off – what does it mean? / UDA policy signed off – legislation next year / Here we go again – RMA reform / The Future of Work and the 2019 Budget / Teachers’ pay claims – a hiding to nothing? / The Reserve Bank under Adrian Orr / Confident Labour flush with funds and wanna-be’s

  • November 16

  • 482k
  • Hydrogen – hype or hope? / Shane Jones’s other energy initiative / The capital gains tax conundrum / Labour back in Dunedin / DIRA up for tweaks, open entry/exit stays / NZ First static in 1st anniversary poll / Huawei and 5G

  • November 02

  • 264k
  • Has Jami-Lee Ross guaranteed Labour a second term? / Capital gains tax – election strategy coming into focus / Strong view on PPDs from Ardern / Woods examines hydrogen economy potential / Will methane ‘stabilisation’ be enough? / Energy sector constraints mounting / New Auckland stadium

  • October 19

  • 253k
  • NZ First – a party in transition / Can Simon Bridges last? / Jones on Chinese forestry investment / Diary juggling act to get PM to China before Xmas / KiwiBuild consortia forming / Zero Carbon Bill submissions / Trade agreements – an increasingly tangled skein

  • October 05

  • 256k
  • Taxing capital gains – 4th time lucky? / Tax Working Group report – key points for business / The ‘soft’ electricity review group report / Govt taking heart from internal polls / A confounding June 1/4 GDP result / RMA reform – tweak or start again? / Fonterra’s reset

  • September 21

  • 253k
  • HVxtra: Political Update / Stage-managing unity: the govt’s blue-print announcement

  • September 16

  • 137k
  • A case of the vapours for all parties / Bridges’s leadership / The return of TOP / The politics of trees – natives vs pinus radiata / Public sector productivity / Fonterra’s ructions play out on DIRA canvas / Kiwi dollar – how low can it go?

  • August 24

  • 312k
  • Parker tries again for some sort of water tax / Lucky escape in nurses’ decision / NZ First’s influence / Unwelcome advice / Trade tensions to weigh on currency / Culture wars heating up / New Crown infrastructure decision-making body soon

  • August 10

  • 564k
  • NZ First at 25 / NZ First – National-lite in its influence / US vs Mexico tariff war – an opportunity for NZ dairy? / Simon Bridges’s first party conference as leader / Industry sectors – big themes for the next 3-5 years / The Greens take some hits / Employment law reform – a long, slow road

  • July 27

  • 266k
  • Medium Term Economic and Political Projections / Economic outlook – medium term / Political outlook – medium term / Tweaking the dragon – a new chapter in NZ-China relations / Hipkins to China this week / Business lobby wobbles? / Nurses’ industrial action

  • July 13

  • 673k