The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • English takes a leaf from Key’s exit playbook

  • February 13

  • 129k
  • PM cements an unassailable position / Crown-Maori relations – subtle tensions / Public sector wages in focus as Budget prep continues / Northland rail link / James Shaw vs his grassroots / DIRA review / Obama visit

  • February 09

  • 251k
  • Govt treading cautiously with business / Fiscal pressures in focus / TPP dynamics – NZ’s role / National Party leadership / Employment law reform / Trust takes a hit in the US, climbs in China, Russia / TrustPower’s home turf advantage challenged

  • January 26

  • 275k
  • Singapore stunned by treatment over housing ban / Fiscal & economic update – robust, if growth forecasts are right / Next generation telco bunfight – opening salvoes / Who will lead TOP? / Special soils to be recognised in NPS / Extractive industries face reality of an unenthusiastic govt / Season’s greetings

  • December 15

  • 278k
  • A very buoyant public mood / Three big issues emerging / Overseas investment regime changes may be far-reaching / Tax group’s limited mandate / Select committee composition / Forward programme / Year-end looms

  • November 24

  • 406k
  • Delivering on the first 100 Days plan / Labour is focused on business jitters / Govt’s policies confirmed as inflationary / TPP – now or never? / The Beehive fills up / TOP – awash with funds, hobbled by its funder / Forward programme

  • November 10

  • 305k
  • New govt facing lower dollar, higher rates? / “Trees and trains, lots of both” / Labour market reforms revive tripartism / A cunning plan for TPP? / David Parker – super-minister or overloaded on purpose? / Select committee brain-teaser for Labour

  • October 27

  • 257k
  • HV xtra: Govt formation special / A less stable, less business-focused government / An almost totally new team

  • October 20

  • 148k
  • Has Winston lost control of his own process? / Tracking govt formation / NZ gets tough on UK-EU tariff quota plans / Freshwater quality and farm fencing / Preparing for crisis ‘contagion’ / Property market slowdown becoming entrenched / Japanese election

  • October 13

  • 233k
  • HVxtra: Final election count special / Odds improve for a change of govt / Can it happen by Thursday?

  • October 07

  • 146k