The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • Government looks to plan itself out of a funk / Little sign of austerity in light Budget Policy Statement / Science Review asks right questions, at the wrong pace / Slowdown / The end of the postie, the rise of the courier / ComCom cool on Foodstuffs merger / Parliament’s change of pace

  • April 05

  • 290k
  • What’s eating the electorate? / RUC up leads to tax cut / China gives (and gets) an Aukus warning / Time to unleash Kiwibank? / Going backwards / Briscoes defies tough times for retail / Air NZ shaves Chicago route as long-haul heats up

  • March 22

  • 284k
  • Government’s $20b transport pivot / Fast track fast-tracked / Christopher Luxon’s avoidable error / Surplus delayed / Bank holds OCR, Treasury agrees economy weakening / Turmoil in media / Parliament wraps up 100 day plan in a hurry

  • March 08

  • 309k
  • Christopher Luxon sets the scene / Water storage - an early win for farmers? / A new infrastructure agency / Australia chooses greater number of small ships for a pre-war world / How to spend $27 billion / Lukewarm jets may yet be cooled / Mixed earnings season

  • February 23

  • 278k
  • Year of fractious Treaty debate begins at Waitangi / Where to for the Treaty Principles bill? / A defence Budget? / NZ First Minister in trouble as Parliament returns / Unemployment surprise / Electricity Authority mulls consumer reforms / Parliament to sit for a month as clock ticks on 100-day plan

  • February 09

  • 271k
  • Return to a heated Waitangi Day looks inevitable / Nats and Act seek compromise on interest deductibility / Back in harness / Funding for roads / Leaning westwards / Glimmers of the business cycle upswing emerging? / Suddenly, gold mining is back

  • January 26

  • 274k
  • HV extra Mini-Budget Special / Cementing the narrative, no more than that

  • December 20

  • 238k
  • Early wheel-spinning where momentum was sought / Dec 20 mini-Budget – prepare for “fiscal cliffs” / Hitting the ground running in 2024 / A return to protests on Waitangi Day / What to make of a Cabinet paper leak / Polytech reforms start to unwind

  • December 08

  • 225k
  • A race to Christmas / A substantive result / Hiring spree ahead / Tax cuts intact / National dominates key portfolios / The future of CCHL

  • November 24

  • 295k
  • New government within the week? / Market-dominant players beware / Fiscal headaches loom before Christmas / Water services reforms becoming clearer / Hipkins safe for now / Fonterra’s climate and costs reset / A scrappy PIF

  • November 10

  • 243k