The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

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  • HV Budget extra May 18 2023

  • May 18

  • 251k
  • Will National benefit from turmoil on the left? / Budget 2023: debt, inflation & infrastructure vs tax cuts / National’s coalition options / How long can banks stave off a market study? / Cyclone relief announcements / Transport project rejig coming / Boat owners beware – regulation ahead?

  • May 12

  • 282k
  • Hipkins plays it safe / Turning point approaching? / Big decisions needed on ETS and forestry / Greens’ list selections / Managed retreat policy / Trans-Tasman relations / More headaches for CCHL

  • April 28

  • 276k
  • Fractious on the left of politics / Hipkins sells ‘affordable water’ – who’s buying? / Willie Jackson’s attempted end-run / Forestry and the ETS / AUKUS charm offensive / Interest rates / Immigration loosening continues

  • April 14

  • 288k
  • Has Hipkins peaked? / Early election window closing fast / National’s not so secret weapon: new policy / Taking too long over Stuart Nash / Beijing on the itinerary? / More RMA doubts / Tough times for media ahead

  • March 31

  • 273k
  • A transactional, “here and now” election / Greens hang in / How is Stuart Nash still in Cabinet? / Australia goes nuclear / Todd Muller makes up his mind / Is Project Onslow dead? / External accounts blowing out

  • March 17

  • 454k
  • Luxon’s weaknesses sparking premature panic / Why Hipkins’s honeymoon is unlikely to last / What ACT wants – no “baubles” / RMA reforms – the new three waters? / National’s three waters policy – an own goal? / Rob Campbell – has a point, but / CEOs on the move

  • March 03

  • 288k
  • Yet another crisis / Repair is affordable / Managed retreat / Hipkins on a roll / Inflation – harder again to tame / Social licence risk heightened / Parliament delayed

  • February 17

  • 327k
  • The Hipkins reset / Co-governance and Waitangi weekend / Inflation peaking? / RMA reform – key issues emerging / Cabinet and National shadow Cabinet reshuffles / Union wage claims on collision course with restructuring plans

  • February 03

  • 280k
  • HV extra - Political update / Implications of the Ardern resignation

  • January 19

  • 151k