The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • Yet another crisis / Repair is affordable / Managed retreat / Hipkins on a roll / Inflation – harder again to tame / Social licence risk heightened / Parliament delayed

  • February 17

  • 327k
  • The Hipkins reset / Co-governance and Waitangi weekend / Inflation peaking? / RMA reform – key issues emerging / Cabinet and National shadow Cabinet reshuffles / Union wage claims on collision course with restructuring plans

  • February 03

  • 280k
  • HV extra - Political update / Implications of the Ardern resignation

  • January 19

  • 151k
  • Ardern seeks to reset / Polls still point to change / Treasury joins the recession party / Risk of recessionary momentum / House prices / Legislative push / Merry Christmas and thank you

  • December 14

  • 347k
  • Election now National’s to lose / The coming recession: how deep and how long? / Three waters law on track for pre-election passage / Auckland council’s funding needs / Nats rally RMA reform attack lines / Nats neutralise tax policy threat / Voting age – nothing to see here

  • November 25

  • 303k
  • It’s the economy, stupid … / Breakdown on methane / An Orrnery appointment / RMA reform law ahoy! / Three waters hints dribble out / 4.25% OCR in prospect / RBNZ peer reviews

  • November 11

  • 286k
  • Onslow, green hydrogen get BCG thumbs-down / Rate shock ahead / National and social investment / FPAs - a defining issue / Robertson on income tax / Hamilton West by-election / Wayne Brown - lots of bark, how much bite?

  • October 28

  • 285k
  • Climate change consensus wobbles / Wayne Brown starts picking his battles / India on the radar / Labour under 30% / Pre-Christmas policy rush / Electricity policy - Marc England’s parting shot / Thank Your Cleaner Day is October 19

  • October 14

  • 263k
  • Tougher times ahead / Arrogance setting in? / Centre-right locking in gains / How much higher than 4% could the OCR go? / Record dairy returns continue / Media policy becoming testy / Tourism recovery starting

  • September 30

  • 402k
  • Pandemic ebbing, normality beckons / Too soon / CEO recruitment - the CCHL example / Auckland mayoralty / Growth surprise / Three waters group struggling / CEO Retreat, September 7-9 2023

  • September 16

  • 276k