The Hugo Group

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Hugovision contains in-depth analysis of political, economic, regulatory, legislative and commercial trends in New Zealand and globally, drawing on the expertise in the Hugo Panel. Hugovision is published fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Contents

  • Date

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  • The future: cloudy with a greater chance of trouble / A recession with full employment / The pandemic is not over / Clear trends as election year approaches / James Shaw looks safe / Mega-polytech trouble / Note for Auckland members

  • July 22

  • 1M
  • Australia-NZ relations reset / CER and geo-politics / Green hydrogen - how real is it? / What now for NZ trade policy? / Gloom deepens / Luxon treads a fine line on abortion / Quiet deal on ‘501s’?

  • July 08

  • 285k
  • Fears of ‘deal fever’ on NZ-EU FTA / Three waters regulator - how to progress? / A flurry of offshore activity for the PM / Reshuffle further concentrates Cabinet power / Inflation-killing risks / Turning west / Last ditch FPA skirmishing

  • June 23

  • 279k
  • Shifting west / Next stop, Brussels / Nats on a roll / Ag emissions – the hard bit is still to come / Supermarket policy and the ‘d’ word / How far could house prices fall? / DGL ‘rage-quits’ the NZX

  • June 10

  • 283k
  • RBNZ sets the table for election year / 10% house price fall OK – but / Massive spend - what are we buying / Insurance and climate change adaptation / ComCom governance / Luxon on corporate welfare / Fonterra's wide margin

  • May 27

  • 281k
  • Recession ahead - but how deep? / Trying for a different conversation / Climate change front and centre next week / The bill for missing reduction targets / New debt target gives infrastructure leeway / Buyers’ market emerging? / Three waters and credit ratings

  • May 13

  • 272k
  • Massive political mood shift in five weeks / Has David Parker had a brainwave? / Market share caps for supermarkets? / Burning bridges on 3 waters / Short, sharp consultation to tackle moral hazard / Ukraine shock knock-ons / Gas galore?

  • April 29

  • 277k
  • Heading off inflation / What sending a Hercules to Europe means / Orange Easter / More muscular threat on supermarkets / Green ambitions / House prices keep slowing / Nurses pay equity deal hits a snag

  • April 14

  • 287k
  • Luxon’s next challenge – avoiding pratfalls / Immigration reset – get ready for form-filling / The crowded field for the Auckland mayoralty / Farewell to The America’s Cup / Vaccination mandates and flu jabs / Negligible post-omicron bounceback so far / Air NZ faces a tough sell

  • April 01

  • 697k
  • A political turning point? / A cost of living shock, and an immediate response / An omicron turning point / Bridges rides his yak off into the sunset / A juicy ETS windfall / Winter is coming / Inflation pain

  • March 18

  • 269k