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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Amendment Bill

    September 25, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 12 creates new rules around the forfeiture of assets gained from criminal activity changing the burden of proof to the accused. Also removes a legal loophole to the effect that funds in a KiwiSaver scheme are not subject to forfeiture or debt recovery. First reading on Sept 27 and sent to the justice committee with the Greens and Te Paati Māori opposed. Reported back on Dec 21 with minor changes. Second reading on March 7 with the Greens and Te Paati Māori opposed. Committee stage completed on March 14 and third reading on March 28 with the Greens and Te Paati Māori opposed.

    Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Amendment Bill

  • Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

    July 4, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on June 23. The Bill gives ministers and officials more power to approve and require conditions on oil and gas permits including when they are transferred to a third party. This includes the prospect of a past holder of a permit being held responsible for decommissioning cost even after passing on ownership. First reading on July 7 with the support of all parties and referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee, to be reported by November 11. Reported back on Nov 5 with minor changes including some limitations on directors’ criminal liability under “perpetual liability” obligations. Second reading on Nov 16 with National and ACT opposed. Committee stage completed Nov 17. Third reading on Nov 21 with no changes in parties’ positions.

    Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

  • Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill

    September 29, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 24. The Bill puts into law the Government’s announcement in April ending the issuing of new permits for offshore oil and gas exploration. New permits will only be allowed in the onshore Taranaki area until a review of this in 2020. New onshore petroleum exploration permit holders will be able to access conservation land only for minimum impact activities. Future offshore petroleum mining permits may be granted only to offshore petroleum exploration permits that existed before the Bill comes into force. First reading on Sept 26 with National and ACT opposed. Bill sent to the Environment Committee with a deadline for report back on Oct 29.Reported back on Oct 29 with National saying in a minority report it would repeal the Bill if returned to Government. Second reading completed on Nov 1. Committee stage completed Nov 6 and third reading on Nov 7 with no changes in parties positions. Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill

  • Crown Minerals (Protection of World Heritage Sites) Amendment Bill

    March 27, 2017 / Bills passed

  • A Bill in the name of Labour MP Ruth Dyson drawn from the ballot on March 23. The purpose of this Bill is to add World Heritage Sites to Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991, which will provide them with protection from mining. First reading interrupted on May 11. Both National and NZ First indicated opposition to the Bill so it is set for defeat when next debated. First reading debate completed on June 17 with the Bill voted down. Just Labour and the Greens were in support.  Crown Minerals (Protection of World Heritage Sites) Amendment Bill.

  • Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

    April 15, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on April 5. Amongst the changes; it clarifies time frames for notifying the revocation of permits, clarifies processes in relation to changes of control of permit participants, clarifies an access arrangement is needed for access to Schedule 4 land for minimum impact activities, clarifies which Ministers enter into access arrangements in respect of Crown land and land in the common marine and coastal area and allows delegation of the Minister’s powers in relation to licences granted under the Mining Act.First reading completed on May 3 with all parties in agreement and referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. A number of Labour MPs indicated further reform of the principal Act was in prospect.Reported back on Nov 2 with minor changes. Second reading completed on Dec 6 and Committee stage on Dec 12. All parties in support. Third reading completed on Feb 13. Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods indicated a wider review of the Act would begin shortly. Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

  • Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

    December 3, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Nov 22. The main part of the bill is to change the purpose of the Crown Minerals Act from the promotion of mining activity to managing. Among other things it includes greater requirements to consult with iwi over mining operations. First reading on Nov 22 under urgency opposed by National, Act and Te Paati Māori. Referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. Reported back on May 22 with minor amendment. Second reading on July 20 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage and third reading on Aug 22 with National, Act and Te Paati Māori opposed.

    Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

  • Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill

    August 3, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 16, 2020, the Bill ends tenure review and reforms the regulatory system covering Crown pastoral land leases. First reading on July 22 opposed by National who said it will effectively end high country farming due to the requirements to gain approval for many farming practices. Sent to the Environment Committee. Report back March 30, 2021. Report back extended to May 25. Report back extended and made on July 6 with a number of minor changes. Second reading completed on Nov 9 with National and ACT opposed. Committee stage completed on May 10 with the govt making minor changes, National and Act firmly opposed and vowing to repeal it. Third reading on May 12 with no change in parties’ positions. Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill

  • Customs and Excise (Arrival Information) Amendment Bill

    November 19, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Oct 26. The bill changes arrival information obligations to help with customs-related border management matters, such as collection of revenue and detection of restricted or prohibited goods. First reading on Nov 8 with all parties in favour and sent to the foreign affairs, defence and trade committee. Reported back on April 27 with minor amendments. Second reading on May 2, committee stage May 16 and third reading May 17 with all parties in favour.


    Customs and Excise (Arrival Information) Amendment Bill

  • Customs and Excise (Prohibition of Imports Made by Slave Labour) Amendment Bill

    December 4, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on December 3, the bill is in the name of Labour’s Peeni Henare. This bill amends the Customs and Excise Act 1996 to make goods produced in whole or in part by slave labour a prohibited import. First reading debate interrupted on August 10. Bill defeated at first reading vote on August 24 by 61 to 60 with National, ACT and United Future opposed. Customs and Excise (Prohibition of Imports Made by Slave Labour) Amendment Bill

  • Customs and Excise (Tobacco Products) Amendment Bill

    June 6, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced under Urgency on May 19 and passed through all stages with just Act opposed. The bill adjusts the tariff mechanism applied to water pipe tobacco.

    Customs and Excise (Tobacco Products) Amendment Bill