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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Customs and Excise (Tobacco Products—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill

    May 27, 2016 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 26 following the Budget. This bill makes four annual cumulative 10% increases to the duties on all tobacco products. Passed all stages on May 27 with just NZ First opposed. They argued it made an unfair impost on those who smoked, especially those with low incomes. Customs and Excise (Tobacco Products—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill

  • Customs and Excise Bill

    December 12, 2016 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on November 23, 2016. The Bill modernises and updates the Customs and Excise Act.  The bill also includes a number of policy changes. These include: increasing transparency of the obligations for users of the Act, reducing unnecessary processes, and enabling possible future changes in technology to be accommodated. Completed its first reading on December 6 with all parties in support and was referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee. Reported back on May 16, 2017 with a number of changes, both administrative and substantive. These include rewrites of provisions around levies on domestically manufactured tobacco, fuel, and alcohol, as well as fuels remixed within NZ. Completed second reading on Dec 5 with all parties in favour. Committee stage interrupted on Feb 14 and again on Feb 22 and completed on Feb 28. Completed third reading on March 22 Customs and Excise Bill

  • Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Bill

    September 25, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 20. The bill allows Fonterra to undertake a capital restructuring and includes a new monitoring and milk price setting regime giving the Commerce Commission increased powers to make directions. First reading interrupted on Sept 22 with National indicating support with some concerns about the new oversight regime. First reading completed on Oct 27 and sent to the primary production committee for limited consideration. Reported back on Nov 10 with minor changes. Second reading completed on Nov 15 with the Greens and Te Paati Māori opposed. Committee stage and third reading completed under urgency on Nov 22 with no changes in parties’ positions.

    Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Bill

  • Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill

    March 16, 2017 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 16, the Bill amends the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act to prevent the expiry of some provisions in May 2018. These mainly relate to the need for continuing regulation in areas without competition. There is also provision for future periodic reviews of the need for regulation. The Bill also makes amendments to farmers right to opt in to become Fonterra shareholding suppliers. Bill withdrawn December 2017. Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill

  • Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill (No 2)

    January 23, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 20. The Bill amends the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001 (the DIRA) to prevent the expiry of some provisions in May 2018. These relate to ensuring efficient dairy markets and monitoring of Fonterra’s farm gate milk price in the absence of sufficient competition. The expiration of some protections were contingent on sufficient competition developing in New Zealand dairy markets, with competitive pressure removing the need for  regulatory provisions. A statutorily required report on the state of competition, prepared by the Commerce Commission, found that competition is not sufficient and regulations should remain in place. First and second reading taken under Urgency on Feb 13, committee stage begun and interrupted with Urgency ended on Feb 13. Bill completed its third reading on Feb 15 with all parties in support. National argued Urgency was not necessary and should have gone to select committee, the also expressed concern that the Govt said it would hold a wide ranging review of dairy legislation and other issues including environmental factors. Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill (No 2).

  • Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill (No 3)

    September 2, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Aug 22, the bill amends the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001 to remove some regulatory requirements the gov says is merited considering Fonterra’s market share coming down from 96% to 80%. Fonterra will now have some ability to decline milk supply, but will still be obliged to supply milk to its rivals at a minimum price. First reading completed on Aug 27 with National and ACT opposed. National said more deregulation was needed, both the Greens and NZ First indicated they would be looking for changes around Fonterra’s ability to refuse supply. Sent to the Primary Production Committee for consideration. Reported back on March 20 with a small number of changes MPs said it was time to remove the open entry requirements which require Fonterra to buy milk from any farmer who wishes to return to supplying it, but kept open entry for new farmers. Second reading on July 21, committee stage third reading under Urgency on July 22 with the govt making one major change removing all rights to open entry, supported by all parties.Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill (No 3)

  • Data and Statistics Bill

    October 24, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Oct 11. The Bill repeals the Statistics Act 1975 following a review of statistics legislation. First reading Nov 9 sent to the Governance and Administration Committee with the support of all parties. Reported back on May 9 with a large number of changes. The select committee process was dominated by submissions from a wide range of notable people and organisations regarding concerns about privacy issues and Statistics NZ’s powers to collect and store information from a range of sources without those who originally providing the data knowing its end use.  The committee made a number of changes acknowledging these concerns but the thrust of the bill remains intact. Second reading completed on May 17 with all parties in favour. Committee stage completed on July 27. Third reading Aug 2 with Act and Te Paati Māori opposed.  Data and Statistics Bill

  • Deposit Takers Bill

    September 25, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 22. The bill follows on from the review of the Reserve Bank Act and reforms parts of the law including regime for the registering and monitoring for deposit takers. Also introduces the Depositor Compensation Scheme which provides each eligible depositor up to $100,000 for their covered deposits at each deposit-taking institution. First reading on Sept 27 with just Act opposed and sent to the finance and expenditure committee. Reported back on April 11 with a large number of changes. These include more flexibility for non-bank deposit takers with proportionately introduced and clarifications about the duties and responsibilities of directors. Second reading on June 6 with Act opposed. Committee stage completed on June 27 and third reading on June 29 with Act opposed.

    Deposit Takers Bill 

  • Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill

    October 24, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 29. The bill establishes a legal framework for digital identity services for individuals and organisations. First reading Oct 19 and referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee with the support of all parties. Reported back on April 19 with mainly technical changes. The committee noted it had received a last minute flood of submissions based on a mis‐information campaign on social media that caused many submitters to wrongly believe that the bill related to vaccination passes. MPs noted the bill seeks to put a framework in place so that, when people choose to disclose their private information to online companies, those companies protect that data. Second reading on July 26 with all parties in favour. Remaining stages completed on March 30 with all parties in favour.


    Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill


  • District Court (District Court Judges) Amendment Bill

    June 8, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced under Urgency on May 30 and passed through all stages supported by all parties. Amends the District Court Act to increase the maximum number of District Court Judges that can be appointed at any time from 160 full-time equivalents to 182 full-time equivalentsDistrict Court (District Court Judges) Amendment Bill