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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Bill

    September 2, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Aug 26, the bill implements the govt’s decisions around polytechs and industry training organisations, bringing the 16 regional polytechs together under one organisation and replacing the ITOs with workforce development councils. First reading on Aug 29 with National and ACT opposed mainly on the grounds of the loss of regional autonomy. The bill was referred to the Education and Workforce Committee. Reported back on Dec 23 with National opposing. A large number of amendments are recommended by the majority. Second reading on Feb 13 with National strongly opposed and warning the changes would cause many problems including financial issues. Committee stage completed on Feb 18 and third reading Feb 19 with National and ACT opposed. Govt MPs rejected arguments about the loss of autonomy. Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Bill

  • Education Amendment Bill

    February 22, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Feb 8. It most notably repeals legislation relating to National Standards and Charter Schools. It includes provision for existing charter schools to operate under their contracts while the Ministry discusses possible options, including in the state system, on a case-by-case basis It also restores guaranteed places for staff and student representatives on Tertiary Education Institution councils. The bill also introduces an offence for those who make a false representation about their eligibility for the fees-free tertiary education policy. The Bill was read a first time and referred to the Education and Workforce Committee on Feb 15. It was strongly opposed by National and ACT. Reported back from select committee on August 31 with minor amendments, but the thrust of the Bill retained. Still strongly opposed by National. Second reading completed on Sept 13. Committee stage completed on Oct 16 and third reading on Oct 18. National and ACT opposed.  Education Amendment Bil

  • Education Amendment Bill (No 2)

    February 1, 2015 / Bills passed

  • The bill abolishes the Teachers Council and set up a new body the Education Council to oversee teachers. The bill also reforms the structure of tertiary education governance. Received its first reading on March 13, opposed by Labour and others who say it reduces representation. Submissions closed on April 30. Select committee hearings have been dominated by teachers and others opposing the bill. Reported back from select committee on July 14. Still strongly opposed by opposition parties with only minor changes made by the committee. The Government indicated it wanted to make progress on the bill ahead of the summer adjournment, but only got as far as the committee stage on December 12. Completed its third reading by 61 to 59 with National, ACT and United Future in favour. Education Amendment Bill (No 2)

  • Education Amendment Bill (No 2)

    September 29, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 13. The Bill seeks to ensure the Education Council makes decisions within the context of Government policy. It requires private schools to be safe places for students, repeals provisions, due to come into force in December 2019, enabling communities of online learning to be established and ensures schools cannot allow children to begin school before the age of 5. First reading on Sept 27 with National and ACT opposed. Reported back on April 5 with changes, but National still opposing. Second reading May 7, committee stage May 8 and third reading on May 9 with National and ACT opposed throughout.   Education Amendment Bill (No 2)

  • Education and Training (Freedom of Expression) Amendment Bill

    October 24, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Drawn from the ballot and introduced on Oct 11. The Bill in the name of ACT MP James McDowall would require tertiary education institutions protect freedom of expression, including by issuing codes of practice. Tertiary education institutions would not be allowed to rely on their duty to eliminate or minimise potential risk of mental harm to students, staff, or visitors under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2 as a reason not to comply with their duty to ensure freedom of speech. Tertiary education institutions will be ineligible for funding, and may have funding suspended, revoked, or withdrawn, if they fail to comply with the requirement to protect freedom of expression. First reading on May 18 and voted down by Labour,  Greens  and Te Paati Māori. Education and Training (Freedom of Expression) Amendment Bill

  • Education and Training (Grants—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill

    June 6, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 20. The Bill allows for pay parity in early childhood education centres in which the State is not the employer. First reading completed on May 20 with all parties in support and sent to the Education and Workforce Committee for short consideration. Reported back on June 25 with minor amendments. National and the Greens put in minority reports with the latter supporting the Bill, but arguing it did not go far enough to bring about pay parity. National said the Bill went too far in interfering in private businesses. Second reading on July 1 with National and ACT opposed, committee stage July 7 and third reading July 8 with National and ACT opposed.
    Education and Training (Grants—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill

  • Education and Training (Teaching Council Fees and Costs) Amendment Bill

    August 29, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Aug 10. The Bill enables the Teaching Council to fix fees so that it can recover costs for all its functions and powers. It would also retrospectively validate payments for fees collected by the Teaching Council since Feb 1 2021 after those fees were quashed by the High Court. First reading supported only by Labour with all other parties objecting to the retrospective nature of the bill which would add costs for teachers. Referred to the Education and Workforce Committee with a report back of Sept 16. Reported back on Sept 10 with a number of amendments including giving the council new powers to set levies and a change to the bill’s title to reflect that. Second reading on Oct 19 supported only by Labour. Committee stage Oct 27 and third reading Oct 28. No change In parties positions. Education and Training (Teaching Council Fees and Costs) Amendment Bill 

  • Education and Training Amendment Bill

    May 9, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on April 21. The bill clarified safety checking processes for children’s workers and school employees, extend the ban on charging trainees a compulsory student services fee by 1 year, emphasise only persons holding a teaching position are able to use physical restraint, and amends rules around intervention and regulation-making powers around licensing of service providers. First reading on May 6, supported by all parties and sent to the is that the Education and Workforce Committee. Reported back without amendment on Aug 4. Second reading completed Oct 19. Committee stage completed Nov 9. Third reading completed on Dec 9 with the support of all parties.

     Education and Training Amendment Bill

  • Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2)

    January 17, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Nov 30. It makes amendments across a range of matters in the Education and Training Act 2020 to give effect to new policy decisions such as giving the govt greater flexibility to regulate compulsory student services fees charged by tertiary education providers and a range of minor and technical changes. First reading on Dec 14. Opposed by National and Act. The objections included the breadth of ministerial powers to to amend or revoke licence conditions of early childhood education providers and other moves which would discourage small business educators from establishing centres. Sent to the education and workforce committee. Reported back on April 12 with inclusion of further amendments from the govt concerning early childhood education regulation. National remained opposed. Second reading on May 17 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage completed on July 26 and third reading on July 27 with no change in parties position.
    Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2)

  • Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3)

    April 9, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 23, the bill makes amendments across a range of matters in the Education and Training Act 2020 to give effect to new policy decisions and to make other minor and technical changes. This included new rules about board ineligibility, wananga and Kura Kaupapa Māori. First reading on March 29 with National and Act opposed. Referred to the education and workforce committee. Reported back on July 24 with a number of amendments. Second reading on Aug 2 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage and third reading completed on Aug 15 with National and Act opposed.


    Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3)