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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Electoral Amendment Bill

    December 4, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 20. The bill changes to the donations and loans framework including; lowering the public disclosure threshold for donations and contributions to political parties from $15,000 to $5,000;  amending the reporting requirements for donations received from the same donor in excess of $30,000 (either in one lump sum or in total over the preceding year) by reducing the threshold to $20,000, but requiring disclosure within 10 working days only in a general election year; requiring parties to report donations under $1,500 that are not made anonymously and requiring the annual return of party donations to separately state the total amount of monetary and in-kind donations received. The bill also temporarily amends the overseas eligibility period from one year to six years for citizens and four years for permanent resident due to covid. First reading on Aug 2 with National and Act opposed sent to the justice committee to be reported back by Dec 5. Reported back on Dec 1 with minor amendments including one proposed by the justice minister to widen the definition of donations in light of the case involving NZ First and its foundation. Second reading Dec 6, committee stage Dec 7 and third reading on Dec 13 with National and Act opposed.

    Electoral Amendment Bill

  • Electoral Amendment Bill

    August 5, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 29. The Bill will allow voters to enrol on election day, expands the range of premises that can be used as voting places and makes administrative changes including rules to account for the disruption of election day and voting. First reading on Aug 6 and sent to the Justice Committee with National and ACT opposed. Reported back on Dec 19 with the committee unable to agree on whether it should progress, but recommended a number of technical amendments if the Bill is passed. Second reading completed on Feb 13 with National and ACT opposed. Committee stage completed on Feb 19 and third reading on March 4 with National and ACT still opposed. Electoral Amendment Bill

  • Electoral Amendment Bill (No 2)

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 3 under Urgency and passed through all stages. The Bill  bans foreign donations to political parties and places requirements on party secretaries to take reasonable steps this does not happen. Extends the ban on anonymous misleading adverts to all forms of media including online.  All parties in support. Electoral Amendment Bill (No 2).

  • Electricity Industry (Small-Scale Renewable Distributed Generation) Amendment Bill

    August 14, 2015 / Bills passed

  • A Member’s bill in the name of Green MP Gareth Hughes drawn from the ballot on August 13. The Bill is intended to encourage small-scale renewable electricity generation. It would require the Electricity Authority to provide “a regime to encourage fair and reasonable power purchase agreements” including setting a payment rate for surplus electricity exported from small installations back into the national system. First reading debate interrupted on October 14, but National indicated it did not support the bill. The bill was voted down on Nov 11 with ACT and United Future joining National in saying the bill would distort the market. Electricity Industry (Small-Scale Renewable Distributed Generation) Amendment Bill

  • Electricity Industry Amendment Bill

    September 26, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 9. The Bill implements parts of the Electricity Price Review’s recommendations. This includes creating of a small electricity consumer advocacy agency a levy to fund it. It also moves parts of regulation from statute to the Electricity Code to make it easier to change and allow lines companies to widen the scope of their business. It also gives the energy minister power to alter the code if unhappy with progress on implementation. First reading on Sept 30, opposed by National with the bill sent to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. Reported back on March 22 with minor changes including limiting the period of time the minister could used powers to alter the code. Second reading on May 17 with just National opposed. Committee stage completed on Aug 23 and third reading on Aug 25 with National and Act opposed.Electricity Industry Amendment Bill

  • Electricity Transparency Bill

    October 15, 2015 / Bills passed

  • A bill in the name of Labour MP David Shearer. It would require every electricity bill sent to domestic consumers include a list itemising and attaching a percentage to the different components comprising the bill. The bill was defeated at first reading on Dec 2 with National, ACT and United Future opposed.  Electricity Transparency Bill


  • Employment (Pay Equity and Equal Pay)

    February 22, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Bill drawn from the ballot on Feb 22 in the name of Denise Lee. The purpose of the Bill is to eliminate and prevent discrimination, on the basis of sex, in the remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment, and in doing so, promote enduring settlement of claims relating to sex discrimination on pay equity grounds. It is essentially the same bill introduced by the last Government, which was not carried over by the incoming Government as it intends to draft new legislation. First reading interrupted on March 21 with indications it would be voted down by Govt parties. First reading debate ended on April 4 and voted down by Labour, NZ First and the Greens. Employment (Pay Equity and Equal Pay) Bill

  • Employment (Pay Equity and Equal Pay) Bill

    August 15, 2017 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 26. The Bill sets out a process for employees to file pay equity claims directly with their employers rather than going through the courts. It also replaces previous pay equity and sex discrimination legislation. First reading completed on August 10 with National, ACT and United Future in favour. Strongly opposed by Opposition parties who said it would make pay equity claims more difficult to bring and settle. Bill referred to the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee. Bill lapsed as it was not reinstated in the 52nd Parliament. Employment (Pay Equity and Equal Pay) Bill


  • Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract Out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill

    December 12, 2016 / Bills passed

  • A Bill in the name of National MP Scott Simpson drawn from the Ballot on December 8, 2016. It amends the Employment Relations Act to allow employees with an annual gross salary over $150,000 to contract out of personal grievance provisions. First reading completed on March 22 with National, ACT and United Future in support. Bill referred to the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee. Reported back on August 15 with a number of amendments, but the basic intent unchanged. Labour and NZ First wrote minority views opposing the Bill. Second reading debate interupted on Nov 29 with Labour speakers indicating the Govt parties would vote it down. Debate completed on Dec 13 and voted down. Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill

  • Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual Harassment) Amendment Bill

    October 24, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Bill in the name of Labour MP Deborah Russell (now Marja Lubeck) drawn from the ballot and introduced on Oct 21. The bill extends the time available to raise a personal grievance that involves allegations of sexual harassment from 90 days to 12 months. First reading on May 18 with all parties in support and sent to the Education and Workforce Committee. Reported back on Nov 1 with minor changes. Second reading Nov 10 with all parties in favour. Committee stage completed on April 5. Third reading on June 7 with all parties in favour. Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual Harassment) Amendment Bill