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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Environmental Protection Authority (Protection of Environment) Amendment Bill

    December 16, 2015 / Bills passed

  • A bill in the name of  Labour MP Meka Whaitiri . Introduced on March 19, it amends the Environmental Protection Authority Act to add an additional objective that the organisation must aim to protect, maintain, and enhance New Zealand’s environment. Received its first reading on July 22. The bill was backed by all Opposition parties who were joined by the Maori Party and United Future to ensure it was sent to the Local Government and Environment Committee for consideration. Reported back on December 14 with the  National party majority on the committee recommending it does not proceed. However if the bill is still backed by the Maori Party and United Future it has the numbers to pass into law. Second reading debate interrupted on March 2. The bill was defeated on March 16 with the Maori Party joining National and ACT to negate the bill. The Maori Party said it was working with the Government  on improvements to the EPA and legislation such as the Resource Management Act reform to ensure the environment was protected but economic development flourished.   Environmental Protection Authority (Protection of Environment) Amendment Bill


  • Environmental Reporting Bill

    February 1, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Introduced Feb 20 2014. Sets up a mandatory environmental reporting regime to be conducted by the Environment Secretary and Govt Statistician. First reading on March 5 supported by National, Greens, Maori Party, ACT and United Future. Labour agrees in principle, but disagrees with detail. NZ First, like the Greens, wants the Environment Commissioner to run the process. Sent to Local Govt and Environment Committee. Submissions closed on April 17 2014. Reported back from select committee with minor amendments on March 30. Both the Greens and Labour oppose the bill as they wish statutory independence in setting the monitoring regime and reporting on it. Second reading completed on May 19 with just National, ACT and United future supporting. Committee stage completed on June 30 with no side shifting their positions over the ministerial roles set out in the bill. Completed its third reading on September 24 with National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future in support.  Environmental Reporting Bill

  • Equal Pay Amendment Bill

    March 27, 2017 / Bills passed

  • A Bill in the name of Green MP Jan Logie drawn from the ballot on March 23. The Bill would require employers to collect and make available information on remuneration rates and gender to the Government and employers. Awaiting first reading. Voted down at first reading on May 11 with National, ACT and United Future opposed. Equal Pay Amendment Bill

  • Equal Pay Amendment Bill

    September 29, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 19. The Bill establishes a process for pay equity claims and prohibits differentiation based on sex in the pay offered to employees for work that is predominately performed by women and has been historically or currently undervalued. It enables employees to raise claims relating to sex discrimination in employment; and sets out the process for resolving a pay equity claim. It permits the courts or the Employment Relations Authority to award an amount of back pay in a pay equity determination. First reading on October 16 with all parties in support and referred to the Education and Workforce Committee with a report due by April 16 2019. Report back extended to May 14. Reported back on May 14 with a large number of changes around definitions, eligibility and procedures. Second reading on June 24 with all parties in support. Committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on July 22 with all parties in support. Equal Pay Amendment Bill

  • European Union Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Bill

    February 3, 2024 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Jan 25. The bill amends law as part of the implementation of the trade agreement between NZ and the European Union, signed in July 2023. First reading on Jan 31 with no parties opposed. Referred to the foreign affairs, defence and trade committee to be reported back by April 4 in order to complete ratification of the agreement as quickly as possible. Reported back on March 12 under an accelerated process to ensure exporters could reap the benefits of tariff relief sooner. Second reading and committee stage completed on March 19 by cross-party agreement and third reading on March 21 with only Te Pāti Māori opposed.

    European Union Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Bill

  • Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill

    February 27, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Feb 18 2015 and received its first reading on Feb 26. The bill is to ensure existing operations in the EEZ can continue until new consents are processed. Aimed at Shell Todd Oil Service’s Maui gas platforms whose current license may expire before a current marine consent application is completed. The bill was referred to the Local Government and Environment Committee with an abridged report back date of June 29 by 106 to 13. The Greens opposed saying the case had not been made for the law being in the public interest and not just the interest of an oil and gas company. Reported back from select committee on May 29 with only minor amendments and no dissenting opinions. Given priority by the Government in June and completed all stages by June 23. The bill completed its third reading by 119 to 2 with just the Maori Party opposed. The Greens reversed their opposition saying they accepted the dire economic consequences of the Maui field being closed down. Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill

  • Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Amendment Bill

    May 12, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 3. The Bill will allow the  recovery from an applicant the actual and reasonable costs incurred in relation to a board of inquiry appointed under the Act to decide an application for marine consent. It fixes a drafting error in the EEZ legislation which meant policy intent was not implemented. The Bill will not be retrospective. Completed first reading on May 8 with the support of all parties and sent to the Environment Committee. A curtailed consideration with a report back date of June 11. Reported back on June 6 with no substantive amendments.  Committee stage completed with minor drafting changes on July 4 and third reading on July 5. Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Amendment Bill 

  • Fair Pay Agreements Act Repeal Bill

    December 16, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 12. The bill repeals the Fair Pay Agreements legislation. Passed through all stages with National, Act and NZ First in support.


    Fair Pay Agreements Act Repeal Bill

  • Fair Pay Agreements Bill

    April 11, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 29. The bill provides a framework and rules for instituting and conducting collective bargaining across entire industries or occupations, rather than just between unions and particular employers. First reading on April 5 and referred to the Education and Workforce Committee with National and Act opposed. Reported back on Oct 5 with a large number of mainly technical amendments and the thrust of the bill intact. Second reading on Oct 18 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage on Oct 20 slowed down with opposition filibustering and finally completed on Oct 26. Third reading on Oct 27 with no change in positions.

    Fair Pay Agreements Bill