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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Fair Trading Amendment Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 17 2019. The Bill amends the Fair Trading Act to create a new offence of unconscionable conduct in trade. It also extends the Act’s existing protections against unfair contract terms in standard form consumer contracts to also apply to small trade contracts of less than $250,000 in any 12-month period. First reading on Feb 12 2020 opposed by National and ACT saying they were unhappy with aspects of the Bill, most notably the lack of definition around unconscionable conduct. Sent to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. It was discharged from the select committee as it it was not reported back in time, meaning its reinstatement from the last Parliament lapsed after the report back date was not met. As a result there was no select committee report. Second reading on June 2 with the govt saying it would make a number of changes in the committee stage to take into account the select committee’s consideration. Opposed by National and ACT who said the Bill should be sent back to select committee for a full report. Committee stage completed on June 22. Third reading completed on Aug 10 with National and ACT still opposed.



    Fair Trading Amendment Bill

  • Families Package (Income Tax and Benefits) Bill

    December 14, 2017 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 14 under Urgency to pass through all stages. The Bill gives effect to policy changes that form a ‘Families Package’ of changes to income tax and benefits. The changes repeal tax threshold changes, reinstate the independent earner tax credit, and repeal Working for Families tax credit changes legislated as part of the Budget 2017 Family Incomes Package. There are increased payments of family tax credit, and the Working for Families tax credit abatement threshold is raised. The Orphan’s Benefit and Unsupported Child’s Benefit is increased and a Best Start tax credit to help families with costs in a child’s early years is introduced. A Winter Energy Payment is also introduced and there are changes to the Accommodation Supplement. Bill completed all stages on the evening of Dec 15 with National and ACT opposing. Families Package (Income Tax and Benefits) Bill

  • Family Court (Family Court Associates) Legislation Bill

    April 9, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 5. The bill reforms Family Court proceedings and creates a new role to take on some of the Family Court Judges’ workload in order to reduce delay. First reading on Aug 2, supported by all parties and sent to the justice committee. Reported back on Dec 16. Second reading on April 4 with all parties in support. Committee stage completed on May 2 and third reading on May 30 with all parties in favour.


    Family Court (Family Court Associates) Legislation Bill

  • Farm Debt Mediation Bill

    May 16, 2018 / Bills passed

  • A member’s bill in the name of NZ First MP Darroch Ball. Introduced by leave of the House on May 15. It would introduce an Agricultural Debt Mediation process as a mandatory step before the appointment of a receiver in respect of agricultural debt. First reading on May 16 and supported by all parties. A number of MPs from Labour and National expressed doubts about whether the Bill would work or if it was necessary, but said in the current political and economic environment it should be considered. Referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. Reported back on Oct 18 with the committee saying the Government had decided to adopt the Bill and recommended this Bill not proceed. Bill discharged.

    Farm Debt Mediation Bill

  • Farm Debt Mediation Bill (No 2)

    July 7, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on June 18. Originally a member’s bill in the name of NZ First MP Darroch Ball, but this was discharged and then adopted by the govt. It will establish a farm debt mediation scheme requiring creditors with security interests in farm property to offer mediation to farmers before taking an enforcement action in relation to that debt, and allow farmers to initiate statutory mediation with a secured creditor. First reading on June 27 and sent to the Primary Production Committee with the support of all parties. Reported back on Oct 30 with a large number of changes in detail, but the intent maintained. Second reading on Nov 12 and committee stage on Nov 19 with National supporting but expressing doubts about how it would work in practice. Third reading completed on Dec 10 with all parties in support.  Farm Debt Mediation Bill (No 2)

  • Fighting Foreign Corporate Control Bill

    April 6, 2015 / Bills passed

  • A Member’s bill drawn from the ballot on March 19 in the name of NZ First MP Fletcher Tabuteau. The bill says New Zealand must not enter into an agreement with one or more foreign countries that includes provision for investor-state dispute settlement. First reading debate held on July 22 and voted down by 61 to 60 with National, ACT and United Future opposed. Labour said they had serious concerns over the bill, but said it should have been sent to select committee for consideration. Fighting Foreign Corporate Control Bill

  • Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Commercial Video on-Demand) Amendment Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 10. The Bill extends the censors regulation and classification regime to video on demand. First reading on Dec 17 opposed by National, amongst their concerns were content providers may block NZ users rather than comply. Sent to the Governance and Administration Committee. Report back extended from May 15 to June 8. Reported back on June 5 with a large number of amendments including the commencement date from Jan 2021 to July 2021. National noted its ongoing concerns. Second reading on June 24 with all parties in support, but National said it would be seeking amendments in the committee stage. Committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on July 22. National did not get the changes it wanted but the Bill was supported by all parties.

    Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Commercial Video on-Demand) Amendment Bill


  • Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill

    June 7, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 26, 2020. The Bill updates the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act to provide regulatory tools to manage harm caused by content that is livestreamed or hosted by online content hosts. The Bill mostly relates to online publications, however, one aspect – urgent interim classification assessments – will apply to all publications covered by the Act. First reading completed on Feb 11, 2021. Supported only by Labour with all other parties saying the Bill went too far in in restricting free speech. Sent to the Governance and Administration Committee with a report back of Aug 11. Reported back on Sept 13 with a wide range of changes intended to assuage human rights concerns most notable the proposed electronic filtering system to prevent public access to online publications deemed objectionable. Second reading on Oct 19, opposed by ACT. Committee stage Oct 26, third reading Oct 28 opposed just by ACT. Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill

  • Financial Market Infrastructures Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 17. The bill establishes a new regulatory regime for financial market infrastructures (FMI) including payment systems, securities settlement systems, central securities depositories, central counterparties, and trade repositories. The Reserve Bank and Financial Markets Authority as regulators for designated FMI will monitor performance standards and ensure crisis management systems are in place. First reading on Feb 12 with all parties in support. National expressed some concerns about a lack of detail on the costs and benefits. Sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee. Reported back on Aug 20, 2020. Second reading on March 16 with all parties in agreement. Committee stage completed on April 4. Third reading completed on May 5 with all parties in support. Financial Market Infrastructures Bill

  • Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 11, 2019. The Bill amends to the Financial Markets Conduct Act to create a new regulatory regime for financial institutions and their intermediaries with a principle of fair conduct and associated duties and regulations. First reading on Feb 12 with National and ACT opposed. National MPs said the Bill was overly complex and gave too much regulatory powers to ministers to deal with what was only a perceived problem. They also said provisions removing financial incentives for sales went to far. Sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee. Reported back  on Aug 7 2020 with minor amendments. Second reading on May 22, 2022. Committee stage completed on June 21 and third reading on June 28 with National and Act opposed.


     Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Bill