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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Immigration Amendment Bill (No 2)

    February 1, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Sets a maximum sentence of seven years prison for employers who exploit immigrants and deportation for employers who hold residence visas if the offence was committed within 10 years of gaining residence. Also address gaps in the compliance regime and responds to new technology. First reading on Nov 19 2011 was completed with NZ First and Mana opposed, reported back from the Transport and Industrial Relations on May 16. Labour and the Greens withdrew their support for the bill saying it did not do enough to protect immigrant workers who wanted to report abuse. They also objected to the wide powers given to immigration officials. Completed its second reading on Feb 10  by 61 to 59 with National, ACT and United Future in favour. Labour and the Greens indicated they  withdrew their support from the bill as it would not adequately deal with the problems around vulnerable immigrant workers. Completed its committee stage on March 31 with all parties but National, ACT and United Future still opposed with most speeches in opposition focussing on the powers given to immigration officials.  Passed its third reading on April 30 with National saying it would make a real difference in cracking down on the exploitation of immigrant workers. Labour, Greens and NZ First disagreed saying it was window dressing and would be counter-productive. Immigration Amendment Bill (No 2)

  • Income Insurance Scheme (Enabling Development) Bill

    June 6, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 19 under Urgency, the bill enables ACC to carry out work to bring an income insurance scheme into operation, should it be established under subsequent legislation. Passed through all stages with National and Act opposed and the Greens abstaining.

    Income Insurance Scheme (Enabling Development) Bill

  • Income Tax (ACC Payments) Amendment Bill

    March 4, 2024 / Bills passed

  • Member’s bill in the name of Hamish Campbell drawn from the ballot on Feb 15.  The Bill seeks to make changes to how ACC lump sum payments which are awarded after a court decision, a revised decision, or a review, are taxed. The effect of the amendments is that ACC payments made in respect of certain claims that were initially unsuccessful will be taxable at the rates that would have applied had the initial claims been approved. First reading terminated and bill discharged.


    Income Tax (ACC Payments) Amendment Bill

  • Income Tax (Adjustment of Taxable Income Ranges) Amendment Bill

    April 10, 2021 / Bills passed

  • A member’s bill in the name of Simon Bridges introduced on April 8. The bill would require income tax brackets to be reviewed every three years to keep them in line with inflation. First reading on Aug 4 and voted down with Labour, Greens and Maori Party opposed.

    Income Tax (Adjustment of Taxable Income Ranges) Amendment Bill

  • Incorporated Societies Bill

    April 10, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 17. The bill reforms the 1908 law governing incorporated societies. It put in place a modern framework of basic legal, governance, and accountability obligations for and those who run them, modelled on the Companies Act. First reading on April 6 supported by all parties and referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. Reported back on Nov 3 with a large number of mainly technical changes. Second reading completed on Nov 17 with all parties in support. Committee stage completed on March 8 with the govt making further technical changes. Third reading completed on March 31 with all parties in agreement. Incorporated Societies Bill

  • Increased Penalties for Breach of Biosecurity Bill

    June 6, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Member’s bill in the name of Jacqui Dean introduced on May 19. The bill increases the immediate fine for illegal biosecurity risks items such as fruit or other food and gives officers stronger authority to refuse entry in some cases. First reading on Sept 21 with just the Greens opposed, referred to the primary production committee. Reported back on March 17 and voted down at second reading on April 5 with Labour and the Greens opposed.

    Increased Penalties for Breach of Biosecurity Bill

  • Infrastructure Funding and Financing Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 12. The Bill establishes an alternative funding model for housing and urban development infrastructure. It allows by Order in Council to set a levy to be paid by beneficiaries of specified infrastructure projects. First reading on Dec 17 with all parties in support and sent to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee. Reported back on June 24 with a large number of changes including on how levies are raised and applied. Second reading on July 21 with committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on July 22 supported by all parties. Infrastructure Funding and Financing Bill

  • Insolvency Practitioners Bill

    February 1, 2015 / Bills passed

  • The Bill proposes new rules governing insolvency practitioner regulation. Extensively rewritten by the select committee to require all insolvency practitioners to be licensed by the Registrar of Companies instead of, as in the original, giving the Registrar power to restrict or prohibit individuals from providing corporate insolvency services. The committee also recommended the bill clarify definition of “fit and proper” practitioners. First reading August 2010, select committee report back May 2011, second reading Nov 2013, awaiting clause-by-clause debate. On June 28, 2018, the Bill was discharged and referred back to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee for new Government amendments. These introduce a licensing regime for liquidators, administrators and receivers of failed companies. This would replace a registration regime, which was itself a step up from an initial proposal to exclude incompetent and dishonest practitioners via a negative licensing system. Reported back on Dec 17, 2019 most of the Government’s amendments remain intact, but there are numerous changes in an attempt to reduce the more onerous provisions, in particular around solvent liquidations. MPs completed consideration of the second select committee report on the recommitted Bill on April 11 with all parties indicating support for the revisions. Select committee stage completed on May 29 with a number of amendments made. This included funding the regulatory regime through an increase in company fees paid to the Companies Office. All parties in support. Third reading completed on June 12.

    Insolvency Practitioners Bill

  • Inspector-General of Defence Bill

    November 19, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Oct 27 to establish the offices of Inspector-General of Defence and Deputy Inspector-General of Defence for an oversight regime for the Defence Force. First reading on Nov 9 with National opposed and referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee. Reported back on June 23 with a number of amendments. Remaining stages completed under Urgency on July 18 with National opposed at third reading.

    Inspector-General of Defence Bill

  • Insurance (Prompt Settlement of Claims for Uninhabitable Residential Property) Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Members Bill in the name of Stuart Smith. Introduced on Dec 12. The bill sets up a process and timeline to resolve uninhabitable property claims lodged with insurance companies. First reading on July 21 with the support of all parties and sent to the Governance and Administration Committee. Withdrawn July 21 2020.

    Insurance (Prompt Settlement of Claims for Uninhabitable Residential Property) Bill