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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Land Transfer Bill

    February 17, 2016 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on February 11, 2016. The bill implements the Government’s response to the recommendations from the Law Commission’s report A New Land Transfer Act, which was aimed at modernising, simplifying, and consolidating the land transfer legislation to increase clarity and accessibility. It overhauls laws decades old to take into account new technology. First reading completed on March 15 with the support of all parties, though Labour used the debate to attack the Govt over dairy farm land valuations. Referred to the Government Administration Committee for consideration. Reported back on Sept 15 with a wide range of mainly technical amendments. MPs considered widening the range of people authorised to perform conveyance work, they were sympathetic to the idea, however said it was outside the scope of the bill. Second reading completed on October 12 with all parties in agreement. Committee stage completed on June 21 with all parties in agreement. Attempts by opposition MPs to insert a foreign ownership land register were defeated. Third reading completed on July 4 with all parties in agreement.  Land Transfer Bill

  • Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Discount Scheme Repeal) Amendment Bill

    December 16, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 12. An omnibus bill that amends the Land Transport Act, the Land Transport Management Act and various regulations, to end the Clean Vehicle Discount Scheme by Dec 31 2023. Passed through all stages under Urgency with National, Act and NZ First in support.


    Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Discount Scheme Repeal) Amendment Bill

  • Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill

    June 20, 2024 / Bills passed

  • Introduced under Urgency on May 30. This bill enables Clean Vehicle Standard targets for reducing CO2 emissions for 2025 onwards to be set in secondary legislation, and empowers a cost recovery scheme, which involves the collection of fees, to contribute to the costs of administering the Clean Vehicle Standard, to be set in secondary legislation. The standard requires vehicle importers to meet annual carbon dioxide emissions targets. Vehicle importers must meet these targets, on average, across all the vehicles they import in a year. This enables high-emission vehicles to be imported if their emissions are offset by the importation of zero-emission or low-emission vehicles. Passed through all stages under Urgency on June 25 with National, Act and NZ First in favour.

    Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill

  • Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill

    September 26, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 8. The bill intends to  reduce carbon dioxide emissions from imported light vehicles. It applies an emissions standard to imports of new and used light vehicles, a “feebate” system with subsidies for cleaner vehicles paid for through penalties on those with higher emissions and new vehicle labelling requirements. The policy has has had widely publicised changes from those in the bill including a later starting date (aside from clean car subsidies) to April 2022 and more stringent regulation around emissions standards of imports. First reading on Sept 21 with National and ACT opposed. Reported back on Dec 22 with a large number of changes above those already signaled. These include amendments making part of the new regime regulatory and not statutory to allow changes to be made in the future without the need for law change. It also makes a number of changes to the regime allowing car importers to trade in CO2 credits. National and Act both filed dissenting reports arguing the changes would add costs while doing little to reduce emissions.  They also argued the clean car standards were impractical. They also argued the clean car standards were impractical. Second reading completed on Feb 10 with National and Act opposed. They also argued the clean car standards were impractical. Second reading completed on Feb 10 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage completed Feb 16. Third reading Feb 17 with National and Act opposed. Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill

  • Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill (No 2)

    December 3, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Nov 22. The bill makes changes to the Clean Vehicle Standard, most notably delaying and phasing in vehicle importers requirements. It also removes the inadvertent extension of the Standard’s carbon dioxide account and vehicle emissions data recording requirements to motorcycles and mopeds. Passed through all stages on Nov 22 opposed by Act and the Greens.

    Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill (No 2)

  • Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill

    August 3, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 30, 2020. The Bill sets up a drug testing for drivers regime. It proposes drivers who fail two consecutive oral fluid tests would incur an infringement penalty, aligned to the drink driving infringement penalty. More serious criminal charges would apply to those showing major impairment and the presence of drugs in their system after a blood test. First reading Aug 8, supported by all parties and referred to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee. Reported back on June 17 2021 with a large number of changes, including amendments to satisfy the Attorney-General that the Bill breaches the Bill of Rights. The Greens and ACT put in a minority reports opposing the Bill. Second reading on Aug 11 with all parties supporting accept for the Māori Party. ACT and the Greens expressed reservations saying they would be seeking changes in the committee stage. Committee stage completed on Feb 17 with no major changes. Third reading completed on March 8 with Greens and Māori Party opposed.

    Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill

  • Land Transport (NZTA) Legislation Amendment Bill

    January 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 2. Omnibus Bill amending the Land Transport Management Act, Land Transport Act and the Railways Act in response to a review of the NZ Transport Agency. It sets up a new regulatory structure, establishing the position of Director of Land Transport, centralising regulatory authority, and strengthening the NZTA’s regulatory interventions including speed management and enforcement with a focus on safety issues. First reading on Dec 17 supported by all parties and sent to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee. Report back extended from May 1 to June 8. Reported back on June 8, changes include a delay in the commencement date. Second reading on June 24 with all parties in support. Committee stage and third reading completed on July 22 with all parties in support.  Land Transport (NZTA) Legislation Amendment Bill

  • Land Transport (Rail) Legislation Bill

    January 16, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 2. The Bill amends the Land Transport Management Act and the Land Transport Act to bring the planning and the funding of the rail network under the those laws with a statutory three-year rail network investment programme prepared in consultation with KiwiRail shareholding Ministers with KiwiRail responsible for developing the investment programme and the delivery of rail activities. First reading on Dec 17 with ACT and National opposed saying it showed the govt had given up all hope of KiwiRail ever becoming profitable. Sent to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee. Reported back on May 1 with mainly technical amendments. National MPs noted their continuing opposition. Second reading June 18, Committee stage and third reading June 24. National and ACT opposed.  Land Transport (Rail) Legislation Bill

  • Land Transport (Random Oral Fluid Testing) Amendment Bill

    May 12, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Member’s bill in the name of Alastair Scott drawn from the ballot on May 3. It would introduce a new regime for detecting drug driving in relation to THC, MDMA, and methamphetamine, by allowing for random oral fluid testing by enforcement officers. Awaiting first reading. First reading interrupted on September 5 with the Government parties indicated they would vote it down. They argued the Bill was impractical and not the right vehicle to deal with the issue. Voted down by Government parties on Oct 17.  Land Transport (Random Oral Fluid Testing) Amendment Bill

  • Land Transport (Road Safety) Amendment Bill

    May 21, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 16, the main intent of the bill is to increase punishments for drivers fleeing police. First reading on May 18 with the Greens, Te Paati Māori, Kerekere and Whaitiri opposed. Referred to the justice committee to be reported back by July 20. Reported back on July 20 with minor changes. Second reading on Aug 22 and remaining stages Aug 23 with Labour and National in favour.


    Land Transport (Road Safety) Amendment Bill