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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill

    April 15, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on April 2 with the intent of banning semi-automatic and military style weapons and their associated parts. Given first reading on April 2 with just ACT opposed with the leave of Parliament sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with an April 8 report back. Reported back with minor amendments with most debate and changes made around exceptions and definitions. Ministers given wide powers to set definitions in regulations and set up an amnesty and buy-back regime. Exceptions were narrow and mainly limited to licensed predator controllers. Second reading completed on April 9, committee stage and third reading on April 10 with just ACT opposed.

    Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill

  • Arms Legislation Bill

    September 29, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Sept 18, the Bill is the second tranche of gun law and includes a firearm register and tighter licensing regime. First reading on Sept 24 with National opposed. Bill referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee to be reported back by Feb 10. Committee delivered an interim report on Dec indicating its thinking on a number of issues including around the Police’s powers to inspect and the registration of gun parts. Bill reported back on Feb 10 with a large number of amendments. National and ACT put in minority reports opposing the Bill saying it went too far in restricting the rights, and imposing costs, on lawful gun owners. Bill currently on hold as NZ First seeks changes. Committee stage on June 16 with changes made including expanding exceptions for pest control. The govt also indicated it would be introducing further legislation to set up a stand alone agency to manage gun licencing and the arms registry. Third reading on June 16 with National and ACT opposed. Arms Legislation Bill

  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC 2021) Bill

    November 24, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Nov 14 creates temporary rules around security issues concerning APEC 2021 events. These included allowing foreign security details to carry weapons, gives powers to close roads, enter buildings and use technology such as blocking mobile phones and allows army personnel to serve in policing roles. First reading on Nov 20 with the Greens opposed. Referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee with an April 1 report back. Reported back on March 25 with minor changes such as widening the definition of who could be deemed a security officer and around the use of technology such as blocking mobile phones. Bill discharged.

    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC 2021) Bill

  • Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Amendment Bill

    September 29, 2019 / Bills passed

  • A private Bill introduced on Sept 12. It removes from the Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act the requirement specified amenities prepare financial statements according to NZ International Financial Reporting Standards, and to allow them a single set of financial statements complying with generally accepted accounting practice. First reading on Sept 25 supported by all parties and sent to the Governance and Administration Committee. Reported back on Feb 21 and second reading completed on March 11 with all parties in support. Committee stage June 17 and third reading July 1, supported by all parties. Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Amendment Bill

  • Autonomous Sanctions Bill

    May 19, 2017 / Bills passed

  • The Bill introduced on May 10 extends the range of sanctions the Government can use to influence the behaviour of a foreign individual, entity, or regime responsible for a situation of international concern. The sanctions currently available are considered inadequate and inflexible and not in line with NZs security partners. The Bill also increases the penalties for breaches of sanctions. First reading completed on August 15, 2017 and referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee. Bill Discharged by incoming Labour govt in 2018 Autonomous Sanctions Bill

  • Autonomous Sanctions Bill

    July 4, 2021 / Bills passed

  • A Bill in the name of Gerry Brownlee drawn from the ballot and introduced on July 1. It establishes a regime enabling a NZ to set autonomous sanctions. Was previously a Bill from the last National Government which was discharged under Labour. First reading on Sept 22 voted down by Labour, Greens and Māori Party despite Labour supporting the concept. Autonomous Sanctions Bill

  • Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Amendment Bill

    April 10, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Member’s bill in the name of Steph Willis, introduced on April 8. The bill amends the Biosecurity Act to require that all craft coming to NZ are required to provide biosecurity information to the persons onboard by means of an audio-visual recording and writing. First reading on June 30 with all parties in favour and referred to the Primary Production Committee. Reported back on Dec 3 with a large number of changes. These include delaying the commencement until specified by Order in Council, or 12 months after the bill receives Royal assent, whichever comes first. Much of the detail proposed in the bill is stripped out and replaced with a general duty to provide information with more detail to be set by regulation. Second reading completed on March 16 with all parties in favour. Committee stage completed on Sept 21. Third reading on Oct 19 with all parties in favour. Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Amendment Bill

  • Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill

    August 29, 2021 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Aug 10 2017. The bill makes a number of administrative changes to the principal law about access to identity certificates and the administration of the. First on Dec 5 supported by all parties and referred to the Governance and Administration Committee. Reported back on Aug 10 2018 including controversial changes to the bill making it easier to people to change their gender on official documents. NZ First objected to the change saying it was made without proper consultation as a result the bill stalled. Second reading on Aug 11 2021 with all parties in agreement to send the bill back to the select committee for public submissions on the changes made in 2018. Returned from select committee with minor changes and committee stage completed on Dec 7 and third reading Dec 9 with all parties in support.

    Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill

  • Border Processing (Arrivals and Departures) Levy Bill

    June 4, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Introduced and passed through all stages following the May 21 Budget. The bill introduces a framework for levies to be set to  fund the direct and indirect costs of activities carried out by the Ministry for Primary Industries and Customs relating to the processing of people arriving in and departing from New Zealand. Border Processing (Arrivals and Departures) Levy Bill

  • Broadcasting (Games of National Significance) Amendment Bill

    December 12, 2016 / Bills passed

  • A Bill in the name of NZ First MP Clayton Mitchell drawn from the Ballot on December 8. It would define in law games and sporting events that must be broadcast live on free-to-air television. First reading interrupted on March 22 with Labour indicating it would join National in opposing the Bill which means it will be voted down on the next Members Day. Voted down on April 12 with just NZ First and the Greens in favour of it progressing. Broadcasting (Games of National Significance) Amendment Bill