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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • New Zealand International Convention Centre Act 2013 Repeal Bill

    April 6, 2015 / Bills passed

  • A Member’s Bill drawn from the ballot on March 19 in the name of NZ First MP Tracey Martin. The Bill would repeal the New Zealand International Convention Centre Act 2013. First reading debate held on July 22 with the bill struck down by 61 to 60 with National, ACT and United Future opposed. New Zealand International Convention Centre Act 2013 Repeal Bill

  • New Zealand Productivity Commission Act Repeal Bill

    February 3, 2024 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Jan 25. The bill repeals the NZ Productivity Commission Act 2010 and disestablishes the NZ Productivity Commission. It is intended that the $6m saved will go towards setting up a Ministry of Regulation. First and second reading completed under Urgency on Jan 30 supported by National, Act and NZ First. Committee stage on Jan 31 and third reading on Feb 1. No change in parties’ positions.

    New Zealand Productivity Commission Act Repeal Bill

  • New Zealand Public Health and Disability Amendment Bill

    February 17, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Feb 13. Repeals the exclusion of resident family members from being paid for providing funded family care and support services and the prohibition of claims to the Human Rights Commission about family care policies. First reading on Feb 19 supported by all parties and referred to the Health Committee. Reported back on July 24 and passed through all remaining stages under Urgency on Aug 4 with the agreement of all parties. New Zealand Public Health and Disability Amendment Bill

  • New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Controlling Interests) Amendment Bill

    March 12, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Feb 23, the bill allows the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to take a controlling interest in an entity. First reading on March 9 and sent to the finance and expenditure committee. Opposed by Act. Reported back on Aug 23 2023 with no amendment. Second reading on May 1 with all parties in favour. Committee stage completed on May 7. Third reading completed under Urgency on May 28 with all parties in favour.

    New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Controlling Interests) Amendment Bill

  • New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Fair Residency) Amendment Bill

    October 28, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Bill in the name of NZ First MP Mark Patterson drawn from the ballot and introduced on Oct 18. This bill proposes raising the minimum residency qualification for NZ Superannuation from 10 years to 20 years after age 20. First reading on July 1 and referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee, opposed by the Greens. Report back extended from March 23 to May 4. The Bill is now in the name of National’s Andrew Bayly. Reported back on May 4 with the Bill supported to pass with a number of amendments. Most notably phasing in the move from 10 years to 20 years and softening the blow for the realm nations. The Greens remain opposed. Committee stage complete on Aug 4 with one major change in that the phase out process will not begin until 2023. Third reading on Nov 10 with the Greens and Maori Party opposed. New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Fair Residency) Amendment Bill

  • New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Amendment Bill

    February 1, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Nov 2013. Allows guardians to control entities formed to hold, facilitate or manage investments. The bill completed its first reading on a voice vote on March 19 and was sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee for consideration. Submissions closed on May 5. Reported back on July 30 with a number of minor amendments mainly around the control of Fund investment vehicles. Completed its second reading on May 7 and committee stage on June 30 with the Government making amendments to further remove ministerial oversight from the fund’s activities. Completed its third reading on October 20 with Bill English saying he did not believe there should be political interference in the Fund. English indicated there was on-going work by Treasury on the Superfund’s management of risk. Only the Greens were opposed to the bill.  New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Amendment Bill

  • New Zealand Superannuation and Veteran’s Pension Legislation Amendment Bill

    October 26, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Oct 15 an omnibus Bill to modernise and simplify superannuation and the veteran’s pension by shifting toward an assessment of entitlement on an individual basis. Also allows a single person living alone in a self-contained mobile home to super or veteran’s pension. First reading on Oct 17 with all parties in support and referred to the Social Services and Community Committee. Reported back on March 24 with minor amendments. Second reading on June 24 and committee stage on June 30 with all parties in support. Third reading completed under Urgency on July 21 with all parties in support.  New Zealand Superannuation and Veteran’s Pension Legislation Amendment Bill

  • NZ Business Number Funding (Validation and Authorisation) Bill

    June 8, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced under Urgency on May 30 and passed through all stages supported by all parties. The Bill validates the historical and future collection of fees under the Companies Act 1993 to fund the NZBN register.  New Zealand Business Number Funding (Validation and Authorisation) Bill

  • Ombudsmen (Protection of Name) Amendment Bill

    May 12, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced April 30. The will protect the use of the name “Ombudsman” by restricting its use to persons appointed under the Ombudsman Act 1975 and follows inconclusive legal proceedingsby the Office of the Ombudsman to prevent a commercial company using the term ombudsman. First reading on May 8 and referred to the Governance and Administration Committee with a report due by Nov 8. Opposed by National and ACT who said it was a waste of time of the House. Reported back on Oct 30. Second reading on Dec 17 with National and ACT still opposed. Committee stage completed on Feb 12. Third reading completed on March 4 with National and ACT still mocking it. Ombudsmen (Protection of Name) Amendment Bill

  • Oranga Tamariki (Parent’s and Guardian’s Responsibility) Amendment Bill

    February 22, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Bill drawn from the ballot on Feb 22 in the name of Barbara Kuriger The purpose of this bill is to give Youth Court Judges the ability to impose conditions in relation to the activities of parents or guardians when their child is in the jurisdiction of the Court. Oranga Tamariki (Parent’s and Guardian’s Responsibility) Amendment Bill