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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Resale Right for Visual Artists Bill

    April 9, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 28. This bill establishes an Artist Resale Royalty scheme which provides a mandatory resale right to eligible visual artists to receive a royalty payment when their qualifying artwork sells on the secondary art market. The law is one of the requirements under the trade deal with the UK. First reading on March 29 with all parties in agreement and sent to the social services and community committee. Reported back on July 31 with mainly technical changes. Remaining stages completed on Aug 22 with all parties in favour.

    Resale Right for Visual Artists Bill

  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Economic Objective) Amendment Bill

    December 16, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 12. This Bill amends the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act to remove the maximum sustainable employment objective from the economic objectives in the Act and provide the Reserve Bank with a single economic objective of achieving and maintaining price stability. Passed through all stages under Urgency supported by National, Act and NZ First.

    Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Economic Objective) Amendment Bill

  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Monetary Policy) Amendment Bill

    August 5, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 23 following the Government’s review of the Reserve Bank Act. The Bill has twomain objectives; amending the objectives of monetary policy to require consideration of maximum sustainable employment alongside price stability in monetary policy decision making; and setting up a monetary policy committee to make decisions on monetary policy. First reading completed on July 26 with National and ACT opposed to watering down the focus of monetary policy. Referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with a report back due by December 3. Reported back on Nov 15 with just minor changes. National and ACT put in minority reports on their concerns and worries about undermining the independence of the Bank. Second reading on Dec 4, committee stage Dec 11 and third reading on Dec 18 with no major changes and National and ACT still opposed on the same grounds.
    Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Monetary Policy) Amendment Bill

  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill

    August 3, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 28, 2020. The Bill is part of the review of the Reserve Bank of NZ Act and follows the introduction of maximum sustainable employment as an objective of monetary policy alongside price stability, and the creation of the monetary policy committee. The Bill repeals and replaces the parts of the 1989 Act covering institutional form, governance and accountability arrangements, and central bank powers of the Reserve Bank. It creates a new governance board. The remainder of the 1989 Act, which creates a framework for the registration and supervision of banks, remains in force but is renamed the Banking (Prudential Supervision) Act. It includes new rules and reporting around the use of foreign reserves. First reading on Dec 8, supported by Labour, the Greens and ACT. ACT’s future support was reserved. National and the Maori Party opposed. National said the Bill undermined the independence of the central bank and placed too much power in the hands of the Finance Minister. The Maori Party did not speak to their position. Referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee. Reported back on June 8 and second reading on June 23 with National, ACT and Maori Party opposed. Committee stage completed on Aug 3 and third reading on Aug 10 with no change in parties positions.

    Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill

  • Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards) Amendment Bill

    December 3, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Nov 22. The bill extends the final compliance date for the healthy homes standards to July 1 2025. Passed through all stages on Nov 22 opposed by the Greens and Te Paati Māori.

    Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards) Amendment Bill

  • Residential Tenancies (Prohibiting Letting Fees) Amendment Bill

    March 22, 2018 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 22. The bill amends the Residential Tenancies Act to prohibit the charging of a letting fee, or any other fee charged to a tenant, in respect of charges for services rendered by a letting agent, solicitor, or any person in relation to a tenancy. Completed first reading on April 5 with National opposed and referred to the Social Services and Community Committee.Reported back on Oct 3 with minor changes and a majority of MPs recommending the Govt bring in regulation for letting agencies and property managers. National wrote a minority view opposing the Bill saying it would lead to increases in rent. Second reading completed on Oct 25 with National and ACT opposed. Committee stage completed on Oct 30 and third reading on Nov 1. No change in position of parties.Residential Tenancies (Prohibiting Letting Fees) Amendment Bill

  • Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill

    August 12, 2016 / Bills passed

  • A bill in the name of Green Co-leader Metiria Turei drawn from the ballot on August 11. The Bill proposes a number of changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. These include; existing tenants having the right of renewal/right of first once their lease period has ended, rental contract must include criteria to calculate any future rental increase and the removal of tenants leasing fees. The Bill would only allow rent on a house be increased once every 12 months and remove the ability of landlords to give a reduced notice period of 42 days in the event they decide to sell their tenanted property, and restores the standard 90-day notice period. National, ACT and United Future defeated the Bill at its first reading debate on November 30. Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill

  • Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

    December 4, 2015 / Bills passed

  • The bill introduced on December 3 will require smoke alarms and insulation in residential rental properties, and other tenancy improvements. The bill was supported by all parties in its first reading on December 8 and sent to the Social Services Committee with submissions closing on January 27Completed second reading debate on May 11 with Greens and NZ First opposed. Committee stage completed on May 24 with Opposition attempts to bring in more stringent standards defeated. Third reading completed on May 31 on a voice vote.Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

  • Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

    February 18, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Feb 17. The Bill implements housing rental policy announced by the govt in Nov 2019. Amongst other things removes the use of no cause terminations to end a periodic tenancy agreement, prohibits the solicitation of rental bids by landlords and limit rent increases to once every 12 months. First reading on Feb 20 with National and ACT opposed. Referred to the Social Services and Community Committee, to be reported by 22 June 2020. Report back extended to July 13. Reported back on July 7 with a number of changes. Second reading, committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on Aug 5 with the govt introducing a number of changes including around notice periods in specific circumstances. Opposed by National and ACT. Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

  • Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No 2)

    May 24, 2017 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 23. The Bill amends the Residential Tenancies Act to address issues related to liability for damage to rental premises caused by a tenant, methamphetamine contamination in rental premises, and tenancies over rental premises that are unlawful for residential use. Completed first reading on July 4 and sent to the Local Govt and Environment Committee for consideration. Just the Greens were opposed saying the Bill undermined tenants rights. Reported back from committee on April 16. Second reading completed on Nov 8 with all parties in agreement. Committee stage completed on July 23 and third reading on July 24 with all parties in support. Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No 2)