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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Venture Capital Fund Bill

    September 2, 2019 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Aug 22 the bill sets up a Venture Capital Fund and for the Guardians of NZ Superannuation to manage and administer the fund. First reading on Aug 27 with Economic Development Minister David Parker the Venture Investment Fund will run a fund of fund models, appointing VC fund managers who will bring matching funds with a goal of generating appropriate risk-adjusted returns. The funds will then be returned to meet the future needs of superannuation. Supported by all parties but National objected to the shortened time frame for the Finance and Expenditure Committee with a report due by December 2Reported back on Nov 25 with minor changes including widening the Fund’s purpose to encourage the development of more self-sustaining private venture capital funds. Second reading Dec 5, committee stage Dec 10 and third reading Dec 11 with ACT opposed.Venture Capital Fund Bill

  • Veterans’ Support Amendment Bill (No 2)

    April 19, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on March 20. The bill proposes to implement recommendations made by the Paterson Report to improve access to services for veterans. First reading on May 27 and referred to the Social Services and Community Committee with a July 21 report back. Supported by all parties. Second reading, committee stage and third reading on July 30 supported by all parties.  Veterans’ Support Amendment Bill (No 2)

  • Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill

    June 20, 2024 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on May 30 under Urgency and passed through all stages with National, Act and NZ First in favour. The bill broadens the scope of activities funded via the waste disposal levy to be decided by the environment minister and/or the environment secretary. It also sets incremental levy rate increases in 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28.

    Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill

  • Water Services Acts Repeal Bill

    March 3, 2024 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Feb 13, the bill repeals the Water Services Entities Act 2022, the Water Services Legislation Act 2023, and the Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Act 2023, formerly known as the three waters legislation. Introduced under Urgency and passed through all stages on Feb 13 with National, Act and NZ First in favour.

    Water Services Acts Repeal Bill

  • Water Services Bill

    August 3, 2020 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on July 28, 2020. The Bill reforms the drinking water regulatory system, with targeted reforms to the regulation of wastewater and stormwater networks. It outlines the powers and regulatory system the new water regulator will work under. First reading on Dec 9 with govt indicated careful consideration of a number of issues including transition issues, particularly for smaller authorities, as well as protection of water sources and chlorination. Supported by all parties and referred to the Health Committee. Report back extended from June 8 to August 11. Bill reported back on Aug 10 with a large number of mainly administrative nature. National and ACT filed a minority report expressing concern about the impact on small water suppliers and leaving decisions about exclusions to regulation and the new regulator. Second reading completed Sept 21 with National opposed. The Māori Party also said it opposed the bill and wider three water reforms due to the failure of the govt to address Māori interests in water. Committee stage completed on Sept 23.

    Water Services Bill

  • Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill

    December 12, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 8. The bill sets up a regulatory framework for the price and quality of water infrastructure services, and consumer protection for water infrastructure services. First reading on Dec 13 with National, Act and Te Paati Māori opposed, referred to the finance and expenditure committee. Reported back on June 7 with a large number of changes including around the roles and responsibilities of the proposed Water Services Commission, the balance between cost and safety, and the creation of a new consumers body. Second reading and remaining stages completed on Aug 22 with Labour and the Greens in favour.

    Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill

  • Water Services Entities Amendment Bill

    July 15, 2023 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on June 16. The bill reflects the govt decisions on water services reforms. This includes a new representation model on the entities which will now number 10 not four and a longer period for establishment to be between July 2024 and July 2026. First reading on 22 with National, Act, Greens and Kerekere opposed. Referred to the governance and administration committee and reported back on July 27 with minor changes. Second reading on Aug 2 with Labour, Greens and Kerekere in support. Committee stage and third reading completed on Aug 15 with Labour, Greens and Kerekere in support.


    Water Services Entities Amendment Bill

  • Water Services Entities Bill

    June 6, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on June 2 the bill is the first in a suite of legislation to implement the three waters reform. In particular, this bill creates the framework for four publicly owned water services entities created out of councils existing water assets. First reading on June 29 opposed by National and Act. Sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with a Nov 11 report back. Reported back on Nov 11 with a number of amendments but the substantive thrust of the bill retained. Second reading on Nov 16 with National and Act still opposed. Committee stage completed under urgency on Nov 22 with National, Act and Te Paati Maori opposed. The bill was sent back to the committee stage on Dec 6 after Labour had second thoughts on a clause which attempted to entrench anti-privatisation provisions put in by the Greens at the committee stage. The clause was removed with only the Greens opposed. Third reading on Dec 7 with all parties except Labour opposed.

    Water Services Entities Bill

  • Water Services Legislation Bill

    December 12, 2022 / Bills passed

  • Introduced on Dec 8. The bill sets out the functions, powers, obligations, and oversight arrangements of water services entities. First reading on Dec 13 with National and Act opposed. Reported back on June 8 with a vast number of changes with National, Act and the Greens all filing reports opposing the bill or aspects of it. These objections were mainly around the nature of governance of the new entities and asset transfers. Unusually the committee’s report also admonished officials for making changes to the bill without the knowledge or consent of the committee. Second reading, committee stage and third reading on Aug 22 with just Labour in favour.

    Water Services Legislation Bill

  • Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Amendment Bill

    February 27, 2015 / Bills passed

  • Introduced Feb 23 2015. Makes a number of changes to the administration of the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services, addresses issues are around eligibility and claims, also validates a number of Gazette notices. Completed its first reading on March 10 with general agreement and was sent to the Local Govt and Environment Committee with a report back date of  July 31. Reported back On July 8 with numerous technical amendments. Second reading given on September 17 on a voice vote. Committee stage interrupted on Oct 21 and then completed on February 16. Third reading passed on a voice vote on March 9. Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Amendment Bill