The Hugo Group

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Our value

Members value the quality of insight into the whole business operating environment: the international economy, the domestic economy and sectoral trends, political trends and Government policy (particularly affecting business) and industrial relations.

They also value the confidential briefings by leading ministers, opposition politicians, policymakers and business experts. And they value the succinct regular written briefings and the availability of Hugo experts for informal consultation.

Membership is by invitation and is restricted to encourage the free exchange of views. The annual fee is $9000 (plus GST).

If you would like to know more about the Hugo Panel and what The Hugo Group can offer, contact Pattrick Smellie or Jo Wills at:

PO Box 25120,
Wellington 6140

Members include*

2degrees Mobile / AA Insurance / ACC / Acumen New Zealand / Agite Consulting / Air New Zealand / Airways New Zealand / Ando Insurance / ASB / Auckland Airport / Auckland Uniservices / Aurecon NZ / Bank of New Zealand / Bastion Shine / Beca Group / BP New Zealand / BRANZ / Bunnings / CentrePort / Chartered Accountants ANZ / Chorus / Cisco Systems / Clarus / Commerce Commission / Commercial Communications Council / Contact Energy / CPB Construction / Datacom / Dentons Kensington Swan / Downer / EECA / Electricity Networks Aotearoa / Enable Network / ESR / EY NZ / FirstCape Group / Fisher Funds / FMG / Freightways / Genesis Energy / GRC Partners + Porter Novelli / Google New Zealand / Hobson Leavy / IAG / IGNITE Architects / KiwiRail / Kordia Group / KPMG / Lotto New Zealand / Lyttleton Port Company / Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research / McConnell Dowell / Meat Industry Association / Mercury New Zealand / Meridian Energy / MetService / MinterEllisonRuddWatts / Mitre 10 / Mondiale VGL / New Zealand Steel / New Zealand Trade & Enterprise / NZX / OCS New Zealand / OMV New Zealand / Orion New Zealand / PGG Wrightson / Ports of Auckland / Powerco / Public Law Toolbox Chambers / PwC New Zealand / Rio Tinto / Russell McVeagh / Schneider Electric / Seqel Partners / Shanahan Partners / SkyCity / Spark New Zealand / St John / Suncorp New Zealand / Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington / The Aotearoa Circle / The Treasury / Todd Capital / Tower Insurance / Transpower New Zealand / University of Auckland / Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency / Wellington Electricity Lines / Wigram Capital Advisors / Woolworths

(others pending)