The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Economic briefing July 2024 / Doug Steel

    NZ: hurt and hope

  • July 26

  • 1M
  • Economic briefing June 2024 / Doug Steel

    NZ bruised

  • June 11

  • 2M
  • Economic briefing May 2024 / Stephen Toplis

    Still struggling

  • May 21

  • 4M
  • Economic briefing March 2024 / Stephen Toplis

    New Zealand at a glance

  • March 05

  • 3M
  • Political briefing February 2024 / Pattrick Smellie

    100 days in: the government so far

  • February 27

  • 174k
  • Economic briefing February 2024 / Stephen Toplis

    Another rate hike? Really?!!

  • February 23

  • 6M
  • Economic briefing Nov/Dec 2023 / Stephen Toplis

    In with the new

  • December 01

  • 6M
  • Economic briefing October 2023 / Stephen Toplis

    The storm before the calm

  • October 27

  • 6M
  • Political briefing October 2023 / Pattrick Smellie

    Government formation 2023 – what we think we know

  • October 27

  • 487k
  • Economic briefing September 2023 / Stephen Toplis

    Bouncing along the bottom

  • September 28

  • 6M