The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Political briefing March 16 2018 / Pattrick Smellie

    Honeymoon over?

  • March 16

  • 135k
  • Political update Feb 2018 / Pattrick Smellie

    Political update Feb 2018

  • February 16

  • 99k
  • Economic update February 2018 / Stephen Toplis

    When Success Means Failure

  • February 16

  • 1M
  • Economics briefing Dec 13 & 14 2017 / Stephen Toplis

    Confidence under pressure

  • December 13

  • 2M
  • Updated political briefing Dec 1 2017 / Pattrick Smellie

    “Judginess” setting in already?

  • December 01

  • 399k
  • Political briefing Nov 21 2017 / Pattrick Smellie

    “Judginess” setting in already?

  • November 21

  • 350k
  • Economics briefing Nov 21 2017 / Presented by Craig Ebert

    Labour Phobia

  • November 21

  • 696k
  • Political briefing Sept 2017 / Pattrick Smellie

    Now we wait

  • September 28

  • 330k
  • Economics briefing Sept 2017 / Stephen Toplis

    Politics won’t derail expansion

  • September 28

  • 624k
  • Economic update August 4 2017 / Stephen Toplis

  • August 04

  • 2M